Links - Chapter 43 - Applegate
"food. the overseers don't watch the kitchen nearly as well as they should, and with harvest time coming, we can sneak food from the orchards and the fields." "that's fine; we can always use food."
A Lesson in League
Lucius had recently taken to playing with a new meta: kills grant food, victories grant feasts.
Super powered evil villein-type-guy (dream)
#6 of my weird and wild dreams i was in a supermarket, more specifically, the frozen food section... it was a pretty normal looking supermarket full of normal looking and acting people.
The Hero's Journey: A Journey of a Hero v1.01
The prompt for this week was "Having fun was too much work." So of course I had to write a sequel. Poor thing can't catch a break, can they? Brought to you by the Telegram group Writing Corner, which provides a weekly prompt challenge of a 1000 word...
Turn Around, Clap About, Paws Up In The Air. Make A Face, A Silly Face, For The World To See. A Smile Upon The Sky, Your Eyes Shining Within The Sun. For You Have A Heart Of Gold, That No One Can Take, Sweet As A Cake, Tasty As A...
#4 of original writing a little silly poem that i wrote about a puppy trying to get his food from a doggy bag x3 writing © munchypaws nibbles nibbles nibbles, kibbles and bits, a battle to the death, the end in sight, as the puppy leaps up, against
Something to consider
There is a simple fact that all men must eventually contend with. We are what we leave behind. A man has a life. His life must eventually end, so what is left? That is up to him. What we build, what we say, and what we do will outlive us. We are,...
Chapter 4: A Change for the Better
Him turning feral, him begging for food, him...eating that... biscuit blinked for a moment, then chuckled at the absurdity of it all...clearly, it was all a very weird dream. his mind was just trying to trick him into thinking it actually happened!
Chapter 2: Only in Skin?
After paying the weasel for the drink and food (and having a mini-argument about how he thought he should pay for that broken glass, with rayner ultimately insisting it wasn't a big deal and threatening to give him more free food if he kept trying to pay for
Chapter 1: Origins of an Unusual Srothar
For all his disdain over vore, he -did- love food, and the city offered a limitless supply of new dishes to sample from the many cultures that lived there.
Chapter 0: Preface
This aims to be a continuously-growing series of short stories involving the titular Biscuit. World-building and character-establishing shall start things out, but from there, events will happen whenever I think of a cool new one to write about!...
In this part thirty-six takes a risk with some food. eighteen takes a risk with his package. twelve might have swallowed some butterflies.