The childhood part 2

Soon, we will rule all the dimensions! you will never defeat us! try, and you will die!" that did something. illusionist was shocked by fear. i could see it. "he... he did not have a black eye on his forehead, did he?"

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The Lost Dragon Saga (Part II)

Crystal, and i, cid, my friends, and rak are all from a dimension entirely different from this one. my friends, and i are the four guardian dragons tasked with protecting our world. we can shift between dragon, and human at will.

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The zero dimension is split into three parts. first and foremost is it's core: absolute zero. it is total, complete nothingness. the rest of the dimension is split into two planes. one being time without space, and the other being space without time.

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Hotel Emperador - Chapter 5: Alderocobaladrite

If the destruction occurs in analternate dimension, it will release a massive wave of holy energy. more than enough wipe the entire alternate dimension off of existence.

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Love Is In The Air! Wentworth's First Crush! (Part 2)

"since the box got destroyed, the portal to their dimension automatically reopened, drawing them back to their world." said jon.

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The Heroes of Magic Crossover Nexus

-once corrupted me is taken down xander shows up, says that he is the one who has created this whole timeline, and that his notebook was stolen from his other dimension self and promptly got overloaded with the magic.

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Chapter Seven Original Memories Never Die

Matt came in quickly as we made our pocket dimensions that served as our dorm room. "what happened." he asked i quickly pulled him into me needing comfort something i never needed before. he was surprised but quickly accepted my embrace.

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May Be Human: teaser

The people of earth had never wanted to travel to other dimensions, they wanted to stay there where they understood things.

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Wienners' FACTION - English Retranslation

You believe in truth, but in between, in the gaps, in a warp between dimensions, you don't believe there's a door in me leading down to darker descensions, where fear straddles terror, where it crosses the border fear on a straight line from friendship

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To The Dragon Lands, Maybe: Part 4

"the dragon has a faerie friend who stores their pearls in some kind of pocket dimension. stealing them won't work, we'll have to force them to open the portal to that dimension, or kill them so the magic maintaining it collapses.

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Black-Winged Angels Chapter 5: Trust

The dark dimension was clearly unlimited in scope and had no stimulation inside.

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