Episode 3: The Nebulous Imperitive
Their cybernetics have sustained trauma and they need to get to the regeneration tanks immediately!" "a minor setback," xox grumbled. "start executing the nebulons." "how many?"
Chapter Seven - Kethelon City
The bouncer was a leosian slave, like ruulraar, except that he had been altered with cybernetic implants. the left half of his skull was completely covered by these devices, an artificial eye, data ports, sensory devices, and both of his ears.
Know To Understand. Chapter 3: Not like this.
He leaned his entire body backwards, and then with an outwards reached out two very large very cybernetic looking wings that looked to be twelve feet each side. the wings was billowing a very radiant silvery light.
Meet the Black Stars; Wintro's Story
The blue and white marines of valor contrasted the ravenous aliens that wore elaborate purple robes and hoods that masked expressions who had most of their bodies replaced with cybernetic enhancements that disfigured their faces and gave their once normal
Kazufox Interview #1
\*wolf\*: youre trying to copy my cybernetic eye arent you? \*kazufox\*: no and this isnt an imitation of your eye thingy. \*wolf\*: then what is it then? \*kazufox\*: none of your business!
How Legends are Made Part 2 Chapter 2
A puppy with a garish cybernetic eye targeting people in a methodical function, that is. the crowd looked at him as if he were insane, some backing up, leading warren to try and put them on equal footing with the crowd. he failed miserably. "uhh...
Crusader Part 6
Upon landing the knights aren't in their suits but even with their robes their cybernetic enhancements are visible, in the case of derra both of his arms are fully mechanical and based on the whir sounds so are his legs to go with his eye, the others range
Leviathan 03: The Professional Difference
"a very serious crime," hugo says, flashing prehistoric teeth and a cybernetic tongue. "but least nobody got _hurt_, huh?" "leviathan's gonna put a stop to this!" the sheep cries suddenly, lunging in his chair. "the power belongs to the people!
Crusader Part 2
A rather young hyena, he has silver studs lining his jaw line, his left eye having been lost long ago in combat is now a cybernetic implant, a power sword resting on his left hip, a phaser mounted on his left wrist and a chain around his neck with jewelry
Episode 9B: Games
Half the damn systems operations files have just, like, taken a wild flight into cybernetic oblivion." "you have got to be kidding me..." terri groaned.
Second Chances: Reconnecting
The two knights overlooking the duel approached the center, syrra offering her cybernetic paw to the older, pleasant-faced female twi'lek. "you've been teaching him well, knight sevaz," syrra remarked.
Sabel thorsen said may had asked him to send a message to the ship; under pressure, he'd had to use his cybernetics for that, and he did not know what the message had contained once the buffer was cleared.