Cosmic Maternity

She could hardly snarl or hiss fire, she was a dragoness of peace and creation. yet as the sounds drew closer, she felt her heart start to race, beating so hard it was a wonder it didn't thud out of her chest. at least, until a voice called back.

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996 Fractal Temple

She is wolfmother, the first one, the child born of darkness, mistress of the second creation. she has taken a vastness and called it home.

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Daggers of Darkness, Book #5: "The First Ones" - Chapter-5

As i said, i was not involved in the creation of this. more to the point, what does that have to do with what we're looking for?"

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The Cemetery of Livestone

During the day they would work on the creation of a giant mausoleum. the first mausoleum. desrod shuddered. he glanced back in the direction of the park.

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Out Of Time - Book 5: Times Up - Chapter 1: The beginning of the end

The devision in charge of my creation was genetics and medical science department. i am a project, code named 'guardian', which i believe started two days ago, your time."

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Towers of Seshin: The Twelve

**saryn, the blue serpent of water** _"the armored heroin"_ saryn is the eighth oldest god, twin sister of garyn, and the right hand of the council of creation.

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An Unnatural Child

You're actually a wolf-human hybrid of my own creation." "'creation'? you mean i was... built?" the flames from the office were beginning to catch up to them. "a protoype engineered with wolf organs, to be specific.

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The Dawn of a New Age: Trials and Tribulations - Act2/Chapter1

"but is it even possible; birthing a creation capable of living its own life, guided not by the hand of another but by its own hand instead?

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The world of Aeurn: History of the planet

Eventually maelgurn, having heard all the praises began to believe that they were praising him; that he was not shielding the light of creation, but was the light of creation itself.

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I am the trickster god who confounded ýng in his creation of the smooth plains of the world by carving the land with my rivers.

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Surface (Chapter 6)

She would call her creation looking glass weed.

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