Cosmic Maternity
She could hardly snarl or hiss fire, she was a dragoness of peace and creation. yet as the sounds drew closer, she felt her heart start to race, beating so hard it was a wonder it didn't thud out of her chest. at least, until a voice called back.
996 Fractal Temple
She is wolfmother, the first one, the child born of darkness, mistress of the second creation. she has taken a vastness and called it home.
Daggers of Darkness, Book #5: "The First Ones" - Chapter-5
As i said, i was not involved in the creation of this. more to the point, what does that have to do with what we're looking for?"
The Cemetery of Livestone
During the day they would work on the creation of a giant mausoleum. the first mausoleum. desrod shuddered. he glanced back in the direction of the park.
Out Of Time - Book 5: Times Up - Chapter 1: The beginning of the end
The devision in charge of my creation was genetics and medical science department. i am a project, code named 'guardian', which i believe started two days ago, your time."
Towers of Seshin: The Twelve
**saryn, the blue serpent of water** _"the armored heroin"_ saryn is the eighth oldest god, twin sister of garyn, and the right hand of the council of creation.
An Unnatural Child
You're actually a wolf-human hybrid of my own creation." "'creation'? you mean i was... built?" the flames from the office were beginning to catch up to them. "a protoype engineered with wolf organs, to be specific.
The Dawn of a New Age: Trials and Tribulations - Act2/Chapter1
"but is it even possible; birthing a creation capable of living its own life, guided not by the hand of another but by its own hand instead?
The world of Aeurn: History of the planet
Eventually maelgurn, having heard all the praises began to believe that they were praising him; that he was not shielding the light of creation, but was the light of creation itself.
I am the trickster god who confounded ýng in his creation of the smooth plains of the world by carving the land with my rivers.
Skylands: the Scorpion Spear, Part One - “Saeldrin”, Chapter Six: Worlds Beyond Walls
Cyan spread her arms wide, as if to encompass the entirety of creation.
Surface (Chapter 6)
She would call her creation looking glass weed.