No Light to be Seen Book 2: Chapter 2 Part 2
**_oh crap i took too long to move!
My Love
Just some crap i cooked up during an emo moment i had recently. i am pretty lonely irl, i don't have that many friends, and i've only ever had one gf, and we split up after about 3 months.
Iraq (poem)
I don't want to get any crap from this about "hating america and our soldiers".
Passion in Question
I had a crap day and writing poetry actually helped the healing process. the only part that i thought about was the rhyming though, so good luck getting something out of it.
heart break poem?
How could i forget all the times you beat the crap out of me. i almost hanged myself because of you! but now that your gone so is my missry you can go hurt someone else.because of you i now have a new love.
A Dragon's Tale-The Star's Journey-Chapter 1-Ulysses
And not pile of crap as in it was a bad engine, because it wasn't, but pile of crap as in it just doesn't make any power, our mechanic keeps telling antony that we needed a new one very soon.
Amber Silverblood: Silverpack, Chapter Thirty Five
Holy crap, even when i was pissed off beyond belief at stark, i would never, _ever_say something like that to him! was this girl really that stupid, or did she still not understand how much danger she was in?
The Incredible Shrinking Fox
"crap," he said in a hushed tone, looking at what the bathroom had become.
That Gay Goth Dog: CHAPTER 9: Painful Memories (part 3)
Christoph was the first person i ever told i was gay. he was the only open gay in highschool. he got crap for it each and every day, even though he would help every single guy who thew him in a locker just because he was "that kind of guy". after about a year
Desire and Elegance
Overall, i just wanted to do something different with characters that have seen too much crap in their day. this is my tribute to them, and my last work with them. \*they are too much of a hassle as it is. q. how do you like yiffstar so far? a.
Suncrest - Chapter 9
"t, do you have any idea how much crap we just went through?" he asked. "i thought you said-" "i don't mean that as a bad thing," giu corrected. "i meant as in, we just went through a very traumatic ordeal.
Amber Silverblood: Rogue Wolf, Chapter Twenty Nine
_oh, crap!_ i thought, realization striking me as the last piece of her clothing hit the floor. then she changed. **to be continued: 12/19/2020**