Desire and Elegance

Story by TehGreenOne on SoFurry

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#1 of Cellar Door

**************************Chapter 1*********************************


After I met the black one for the first time, I wanted him. I wanted only his ebony fur for my warmth. I craved his arms like walls against the wind. I needed his tongue to ravage me. I required his love to be whole.

Upon the night of Two-Tail's death, I fled from the battle, terrified and afraid. I could not stop my thoughts from racing. I couldn't keep my heart from pounding in my throat. The foreign weapons of those called "pioneers," mocking my tribe, all tribes, as being lesser. However, these foreign ignorants will learn that the mountain is greater, the wolf, upon four legs, is greater. The Luna is great.

The fabric connecting all of us will tear, and they shall be defeated! However, with the death of my younger sibling, the strength of our foes was shown to me. I had to flee. A weapon, without need to be drawn, blew away my friend as though nothing. I would forever miss the ripped fabric Two-Tail was in my life. However, I wouldn't care about anything anymore.

Not even the shame my family held from my flight from battle.

As I slowed, nightfall had come. The great mistress of the Luna cast her pure glow on the world. Though imperfect, her reflection smiled at me from the great waters. And beyond that, something was interrupting the mirrored image. A ripple had distorted the image. And beyond that, another set of ripples came. And beyond that, another.

I felt dumbstruck for a moment, when I suddenly realized the source of the ripples. Stones. Stones had been skipped across the lake. I became curious and made the long journey around to the source. As I moved, I heard the rhythm in the throws. The careful precision used to keep a pattern in the throws. Almost with the feet of poetry did the stones bounce. It flowed like words unspoken, but a meaning still transferred from them. After all, words are embossed glass, beyond which lies the brilliant meaning of the poem. If only we could rid the words, it would sound like rocks skipped in rhythm across water.

My feet stepped lightly on the soft earth. My bare pads felt little beneath them except for the coldness of the ground. Around me, the wind blew. In response, the tree swayed one way then another. The bushes shook lightly as the creature of the forest scurried. A small creature, a rabbit or bunny perhaps. However, things seemed extremely unlikely that any animal of malice would attack with the mistress watching.

With this thought, I looked at her, the Luna. She sat upon the sky gracefully, climbing up, without force. The stars adorned her cloak. From her face came a healthy glow, like that of a woman bearing a child. Her face was small and pale. Her face is brilliantly perfect; rough, yet smooth; firm, yet kind.

However, even Luna could not compare to the sight before me now. I ceased my movements and hid into the scenery. From my post, a small distance away, I watched the absolute majesty of beauty stand there, tossing rocks with elegance. His arms bent back, thrusting forward with an unseen grace. In truth, no creature that ever was or will be could even attempt to compare to the magnificence of the one before me.

I felt a heat grow within me, and a certain fluttering throughout my body. My muscles burned from the strain of my position.

I revealed myself in the night from the background, to the Luna's main stage. I drifted, as Mercury on clouds, to the god or goddess in front of me. The creature stopped tossing stones, and he turned to me blankly.

And hence, I met the black one. He who I will forever need if I were to let my heart keep beating. And, his eyes met mine. They were a ruby color, strong and passionate. SO fiery that I was filled with the utmost honor to be seen by those eyes.

He then vanished. Like the dragons, he disappeared into the wind. Like a creature of the night fades to day, he doth vanish. (As the foreigners would say!) I cried joyously, for a spirit of the winds let himself be caught by me. I shall be kind to the spirit, for later, he shall intervene to make my life better.

***************************Chapter 2*****************************


The invaders lost the battle this time. That night, the warriors of the tribes celebrated about the fire against the night. It glowed against the night and roared, outperforming the nigh-dots. With the pillar of fire, I was guided back to my home. Ironic it would lead me to stray from my promised one.

The tribe welcomed me with overbearing joy. Even Gardna of the Echidna tribes was exalted to look upon me. His usual hate for me faded, but he did not truly acknowledge me. He was lost in the dance, and his brilliant rhythm he held could only be less than one, Jewel. Jewel, his mate, was simply beyond anyone else. She studied the flow of wind, the rhythm of rain, and the passion of fire to perfect her art. Her work was well rewarded.

A member of my tribe, whose brown fur greatly contrasted mine with its brown coloration, asked me the question I had blocked out. It is something I could not and should not ignore. Great Spirit, intervene and give me strength. Wolves of four legs, hold my confidence! And still, I could not handle myself; I had let myself forget.

Death is a miserable feeling of loss. Certainly, he must be happier in the great spirit. He is now part of the great fabric of the universe. However, how can I fail to acknowledge that I miss him? How can I prevent my emotions from crushing upon my heart, pressing it, squeezing all life from my body?

However, Two-Tail lived a full life. Like all of our tribe, he married at fourteen. Though a young age to the foreigners, it completes their life. They finish the tradition of life and build happiness on that steady base. But those invaders marry off at an old age, leaving life to be incomplete should they die young.

In most tribes, anyone who failed to marry by that age had died of illness. Of course, no one under fourteen was allowed to fight. As for me, I snuck onto the battle ground. Even my older brother had no idea of my inclusion in the battle. However, my mind returned to reality. Time had passed, and I had to reply.

"It is a tragedy, one that the spirit weeps for. He was young."

"AS his brother," the brown hedgehog stated, "you must take his wife as you come of age." I knew that I should. However, I did not desire my brother's wife. Something better than her. There was nothing wrong with her, but she was not the one I desired. She was my brother's desire.

"I cannot." My voice held a strength to it. I felt conditioned for this speech, like I had practiced as I do with the bow and arrow, "I have already promised myself." This was not a lie. And, Violet knew that I had. Just, my one did not know it yet. Oh Great Spirit, had such concept enter the mind of good men? To tell a false truth? Certainly not! A good man, an "honorable man" (Again, a foreign concept! All men are honorable, are they not?) Would never thank these thoughts Then, I suppose, I am not good in the sense of honor.

The brown hedgehog, Violet, took my hand and pulled me into the woods. Her eyes shined brightly, despite the darkness. Her eyes reflect the Luna. Her perfect balance lent her an ability through the undergrowth. The Luna shined through the canopy overhead.

She stopped after the glow of the moon faded from her back. A sky-fog must have overcome the Luna. She stated, "Do you remember, or are you playing with me again?"

Her eyes held steady, but threatened to falter with anguish and disappointment. I took her hand knowing all too well what I promised. All too well what I needed to remember, "I still love you." The words felt hollow.

Violet looked flushed under her fur. I approached her, but she moved and pushed me against a nearby tree. She pressed her lips to mine; yet, I only felt I spark, an ember of former love.

The spirit would be jealous. As perfect as the wind spirit is, his love was taken from him. The love he deserves more than anyone else. The love he deserved faded in the kiss. Still, I did not love her, I lusted. In the heat, my heat pulsed, sliding slightly from my sheath. The pink organ peaked out into the cool, crisp air. With its heat contrasting sharply, I felt the wind brush the heat with a cool flick.

She released the kiss momentarily, and looked into my eyes. Oh, damn her eyes of red and blue and their ability to see into me, my eyes are like open doors to them!

As her aggression lessened, I knew just what her eyes had seen. My smothered passion for her. A new flame for the forbidden. Nevertheless, she progressed with what was remaining of her initiative.

As the night wore on, we continued to tease the other, but she had gone nowhere. To some extent, I halted her. I could not let her ravage me. So, I proposed we wait until a more romantic time. I knew this would appease her. Hopefully, it explained my lessened passion, though not as secularly as the truth would.

By the time the sun rose, I had left the woods.

**************************FAQs and Author Rants!************************

Q. Why the title "Cellar Door?"

A. It is quoted by linguist to be the most beautiful phrase of all the endless combination of words, not for its meaning, but its sounds. I wanted to create a story that reflected that, except backwards. A story strong not in its sounds (good phrasing, etc.) but in its meaning. (The conveying of emotions to the reader.) I feel my diction will be strong enough to handle this, but I understand the story is hard to read, so I feel like thus far, I have fulfilled my goal. (Just have to maintain it.)

Q. Why a typical "Sonadow" fiction? Why not more popular or less ridiculed characters, or better, why not just create original characters?

A. This is my first real attempt at writing something on the topic of love. I am bad at creating character to begin with, and attempting to develop personalities while putting them together would be near impossible for me. As for "why Sonic and Shadow," I have to respond "why not?" In general, these character are abused by clueless fans, who really have no place in writing at all. (Granted, I am certain there are times that the same can be said for me, but at least I have decent grammar.) Overall, I just wanted to do something different with characters that have seen too much crap in their day. This is my tribute to them, and my last work with them. *They are too much of a hassle as it is.

Q. How do you like Yiffstar so far?

A. Well, aside from reading stories, I haven't done much here. However, I have to admit that there is not one thing about posting stories I like so far. It is hard to use, and the limit is killing me. *Granted, I am pretty lazy in writing, but five pages really drives me up a wall. Ah well, it is not the worst, I suppose. And it does cut out a lot of the crap.

Q. Anything else to say?

A. Just review! I love hearing feedback, and I really want to hear what the readers think. *Assuming I have any readers.*


Well, at least the bugs like me. *They are furs too, right...?