"The Day Death Came"

"but i do insist, that we must chat for i have business to discuss, this and that". "that is fine." i said "so what business do you bring?" and with that he pulled out a ring "would you marry me, dear sweet thing?"

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PMD The Warrior's of Light

" kinda scared that pokemon might jump me again, but don't worry if i don't come back then you may know why, like knocked out or still chatting with this pokemon ok" jason said looking at daisy.

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Poet's Greeting

I wrote this while on the chat for a girl who happened to also be a poet. just as i was about to whisper her this poem, she left, so i decided to save it here to show her later.

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My Fursona

He can often be found typing onto his laptop computer, chatting with friends on discord, in the local internet cafe in his hometown, the small town of furmont, usa. he's 18 years old and a senior in high school.

My friend Amatsu

Whenever we chat or pass time together i feel relieved, happy, and at peace. this poem, a lyrical at that, is in honor of our friendship. my friend amatsu, he gives me comfort, he keeps me close, with his embrace, my hole, has become full.

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The damned

#17 of poetry wrote it on the discord writing chat finished at 7:08 something feels amiss unable to think but whatever you do don't reminisce if done so the future will stink like the past as if you remembered the name you tried forgetting hurdling

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UnderGarment Sundays - Zeke

He gave me a confident grin in return before he strutted over to the lion, poured him some coffee and made idle chit-chat. i rolled my eyes at the sight.

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Diamond Run Forever

This is a little something i wrote while chatting with david silver the other day and we were laughing about a character we had made for his ponyfinder world ( [http://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/5559/silver](http://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/5559

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My Light

* * * at first it was just chat, just conversations but the more we talked the fonder i grew of you. and slowly but surely i felt myself being lifted, out of the darkness... * * * by you, my lovely wolf.

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Helen Ch 4

They chatted for a bit longer, dawn telling hellen more about the community here. it was a very pleasant chat, and a good opportunity for helen to learn before she said goodnight and went to the room that had been prepared for her.

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Starlua enters the world of Second Life

Faves chatting of issues, weather, literature, art, culture and comes to terms with any kind of life forms second life world may present. music taste is all. favourite artist is leonardo da vinci, (doesn't reveal favorite writer now)

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To Snare a Wolf Part One

Others chatting. the principal walked up, introduced himself then signalled for a juvenile grey wolf to come over. he was handsome, with spiky black hair and blue eyes that sparkled in the light.

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