"The Day Death Came"

Story by Ichigo Nezumi on SoFurry

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Today, Death came knocking on the door

I answered "What, may I ask, are you here for?"

He replied "I have come, my dear, to take you away"

I replied "I do apologize, but not today,

But may I offer you a hot cup of tea?"

"Why certainly" he said politely to me.

"But I do insist, that we must chat

For I have business to discuss, this and that".

"That is fine." I said "So what business do you bring?"

And with that he pulled out a ring

"Would you marry me, dear sweet thing?"

I thought and thought for a moment or two

I wish the answer is something that I knew.

"Maybe one day, when I grow tired of this world,

but for now, I think I have fell for some girl."