The bee hive fell as well, but was caught by the second little bear. the first was caught by the branches, but then got stuck."** mom continued. **"'help! help!' he cried out. an--"** mom said softly, but then got cut off.
Brothers, Salamander, Story Series
Red, who had picked up a stick off the ground, swung wildly, hitting bees by the droves, injuring them past flight.
"hah! take this! and that! and some of these! and -- aargh!!"
Adventure, Charmander, Pikachu, vore
The evening was, by now, quite still; all that could be heard was the buzzing of the bees in the honeysuckle on the churchyard wall and the _swish-swish_ of our paws in the grass.
Canine, Cat, Character Development, Clean, Collie, Dog, Fox, Greyhound, Lynx, Priest, Romance, Tabby
The stone pillars surrounding the hold resonated to her touch when she patted them; they sung like bees in a jar, gently stinging her mind with the aroma of distant, crushed flowers. she caughed; the scent was too powerful, nauseating.
Dragon, Plot Development
He felt what seemed like a bee sting, and then the world went from white to black.
when mark woke, he had a headache that felt like his skull was cracked open in four places.
Clean, College, Electronic, Fox, Wolf
A buzz, like there was a swarm of bees hovering just behind the glass. except, the noise wasn't coming from behind the glass- it was coming _from_ the glass. i peered closer, and saw a web of metal fencing attached to the windowpane.
Action, Adventure, Demon, Fantasy, Ghoul, Mage, Magic, Suspense, Transformation, Urban, Warlock, Werewolf, gremlin, wizard
"yeah, the birds and the bees, the might and the magic. all that stuff."
tim's dad excitedly threw off his jacket, "great!"
Iguana, Lion, Magic, Micro, Mouse, Shrink
Waving his hand through his makeshift scryer, he caused it to shatter, and then waved his hand again, turning the shards of frozen milk into half-butterfly, half-bee creatures that buzzed off into the distance.
Celestia, Character Development, Discord, MLP, Magic, Romance, chaos, luna