The Vanquisher
_today, brother_, he thought, _today is the day i sink that wretch and avenge you._ sig snapped his eyes forward and nodded to some of his crew as he made his way aft.
Decontamination Day
As the sun set, grieving spouses and siblings set out to avenge their lost family members, and a wave of retaliatory killings and arsons rocked the nation well into the night. fully a hundred thousand lost their lives that first decontamination day.
Curse Claws Ch. 1 Fear Incarnate
Mcneil's voice rang out as he shouted another order and the squirrel and the rest of the soldiers charged over the hill, their rifles firing at the enemy, trying to avenge their fallen friends, and trying to protect the ones still alive.
Night Ch. 1
I fear the only way to stop him is to avenge my father. i know it isn't what he would have wanted, but it may be my only option." magdelene squeezed my shoulder, "even if it is, it will not happen for a long time yet. now, to bed!"
Ander - Part 3: Subchapter 21
A chance to avenge his big brother. surely he, if no one else, is deserving of such an honour." hezzi's eyes darted from dorin to garten to the snickering, anonymous faces in the crowd, from the sky to the fire to the ground and back again.
The Lead Crown, Ch 6.6 Thaddius
The wolf flicked an ear, "for avenging a wrongdoing?" the dog nodded with certainty. "it was retaliation, your highness... and, while it is a sign of strength in moderation, their lack of temperance has changed it to a crime most foul."
Arcane Rising: Prologue
Tears came down like a fountain. " i promise to avenge you. i won't let your loss go unanswered!" he stood up and yelled into the dark. " you will pay for this, you bastards!"
Chapter 23 -- Reunion
He would always make a big show of it, like he was going to avenge some ancient wrong i had done," said shannon thoughtfully. "he thought he finally had me this time, all alone in the wilderness.
The Queen's Ace 2: A World Without Danger
For years ace wanted to avenge the furs and make thorn pay for his crimes. but even though he avenged his fallen comrads he didn't feel as good as he thought he would. thorn was just another slave who did what he thought was right.
"i don't know....if i should die today at the hands of this little rat...avenge my death! now go!"
Desperation and Beyond
I have to avenge my son's death!' chris thought of what to do. the retriever was grief-stricken, that was apparent. she wasn't evil, per-se...just very much misguided. she needed to be stopped.
A Patient Death 07: King and Country
avenge his mother and his life, three decades too late? better late than never, but breeze's mother was never the sort to cry for avenging.