The Queen's Ace 2: A World Without Danger

Story by Koji Haeos on SoFurry

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#19 of Love and Pain

The Queens Ace 2: A World Without Danger.

Here we are going far to save all that we love.

If we give what we've got we will make it through.

Here we are like a star shining bright on your world today.

Make Evil go away.

We'll do our best to never let you down.

We're up to the test to turn this world around.

Here we are going far to save all that we love.

If we give what we've got we will make it through.

Here we are like a star shining bright on your world today.

Make Evil go away.

Song: A world without danger (Code Lyoko theme song)

Artist: I don't know who the artist is if you do please tell me.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own this song in any way.

Part 1

Chase and Athena were cuddling on the beach watching the sunset while Ace took a nap and Venus polished her weapon with Sora sitting next her. Sora was felling a little nervous about how she should tell Ace how she felt.

"Are you okay mom?" Venus asked.

Sora just shook her head.

"Is it about Ace? I saw how you looked at him earlier. Just tell him how you feel." Venus said.

"Venus I'm too old to be chasing males. I haven't gone into heat in three years and I am too old to have offspring and furs and reptoids can' have kids to begin with." She said

"You are precious to him. He won't judge just because of that. I am going to scout out the area. I will return in a few hours" Venus said she as she flew off.

Sora thought about what Venus said but she was still uncertain. She didn't know if loved Ace for him or if was she trying to replace something she lost a long time ago. She couldn't tell Ace how she felt until she was sure the love was real and she was ready to move on. She was glad that Athena found a male and a human at that. Venus told her how Chase and Athena met and how he almost got killed by Kira and yet he stayed with her. He never doubted her. Most males wouldn't do that. If Chase was a dragon females would literally fight to the death to be with him. Sora knew Hades would have loved to meet him. She was also glad that Athena took a liking to Ace. He was the closest thing to a father she ever had. She swore she would only tell Athena about her birth father if she asked. Suddenly Sora pick up a scent And so did Ace because he was already awake.

"You smell it too?" she asked.

"Yeah I know that scent there is no question about it." Ace said clenching his fists.

Athena picked up the scent and was more than a little scared. She picks up Chase and found him a place to hide. Suddenly the ground shook and Thorn came into view but something was different. She could see it in his eyes. He showed no emotion. He just had an unreadable look. He looked to her and Sora and then when he saw Ace he simply shook his head.

"Of all the people to show up and get in our way it had to be you. You should have just stayed out of this Ace." Thorn said with no emotion in his voice.

"You know can't do that Jack." Ace responded.

Thorn's eyes narrowed when he said that.

"That name no longer has any meaning for me." Thorn said.

Sora got a bad feeling and could tell Athena felt it too. Thorn was different. Normally he would be taunting and making jokes at his opponent. Thorn knew Ace wouldn't back down but he could take him, Sora or Athena in a one on one fight but all three of them at once could be a problem.

"You should have stayed out of this Ace. Ace you may think you are a hero but if you get in our way you will die like a dog." Thorn said.

"A lot has changed Thorn. I am not the same guy you knew back then just leave right now and that will be the end of it. But if you stand with Kira I will kill you." Ace said hoping to get through to him.

Suddenly they heard a scream and Athena's eyes went wide with terror. It was Chase's voice and he sounded like he was in agony. Her fear came to reality she smell of his blood flooded her nostrils. When she turned around she saw him pulled from his hiding place by what looked like a dragon made out of stone. He had a huge gash on the side of his head and was barely conscious and was bleeding badly. Athena was griped by terror and rage at the site. She wasn't going to lose Chase again and she sure wasn't going to let Thorn get away with what he did.

"You are right things have changed. You got soft. Back then you would have seen that coming and the human wouldn't have gotten hurt. While you were busy making friends I was on the front lines getting stronger." Thorn said coldly.

Athena already had her armor on and attacked with her dagger tail. Thorn caught it with his paw. Before Athena could retract her weapon Thorn's paw started to glow and her weapon shattered.

"Stay out of this Athena it is none of your business." Thorn said keeping his eyes on Ace.

"You attacked my mate. It IS my business." she hissed

Thorn's paw started glowed again the stone dragon started to slowly crush Chase making the human scream louder and louder in pure agony. It was too much for her to take and she snapped. She charged at Thorn in a blind rage and slashed at him with her talons but when she did Thorn grabbed her wrist and kicked her in the stomach sending her into the ground. She got up and attacked again but Thorn was ready. He turned his whole body into what Ace could only guess to be steel. Ace was about to warn Athena but it was too late. She hit Thorn right in the face and screamed in pain as her paw broke on impact. Thorn swung his tail and hit her in her left leg breaking it with a loud snap. Athena screamed again and fell to the ground holding her broken leg. That did it. Attacking him was one thing but attacking his family was another. Ace charged in with his sword drawn while Sora tended to her daughter. He swung Thorn who easily dodged each slash and jumped out of the angry fur's reach.

"Is that all you can do Ace?" Thorn said calmly.

After seeing what happened to Athena and Chase Ace was furious beyond all reason. It took every once of his mental training to stay calm. On any other opponent Ace would have given into his rage and rip them to pieces by now but he knew Thorn was expecting that. His sister taught him that when fighting against a strong opponent the first one to loose their cool loses the fight. He knew when it came to just brute strength Thorn was superior and taking him down won't be easy. This time Thorn attacked. He charged and punch at his ribs. Ace knew he couldn't dodge and took a 3 point stance absorbing the hit and protecting himself from any major damage. As Thorn swung at his head Ace dodged and slashed him across the cross the chest with one sword and tried to slice his throat with the other but Thorn caught the blade in his paws and opened his muzzle and shot a blast of fire at the tiger wolf. Ace's eye went wide as he was forced to let go of one of his swords. Thorn held the katanas in his paws and snapped them in half.

"It doesn't have to be this way Jack. Face up to what you've done. I can help you. But I won't let you hurt the ones I love." Ace said hoping he would see reason.

"And that is why you can not win. When you stick your neck out for others the only thing you get in return is pain. You say that love is something I will never understand but I understand a lot more than you think. I hoped I wouldn't have to use this on you." Thorn said.

Thorn pressed a few button on his wrist band and his whole was covered in black mechanical armor (similar to iron man).

"As you know all the dragon lords have a signature weapon. Venus has her naginata, Athena has her dagger tail and so on and so fourth. This is my signature weapon. This mech suit boosts all of my attributes. No one has every faced this weapon and lived..." Thorn said in almost a sad tone.

Before Ace could move Thorn punched him and sent the tiger wolf crashing into a nearby car totaling it on impact. Ace got up and shook off the hit and charged Thorn again and swung his sword at the drake. Thorn blocked the attack with a jump kick but Ace caught his foot and used threw him into a wall with a loud crash. Thorn got up and just brushed himself off. Ace knew that with that armor on Thorn was almost invincible.

"Dam this is bad. With that suit on he just shrugs off every hit. He has to have a weak spot somewhere. I just need to find it. He is a master at close quarters combat so if I keep my distance he shouldn't be able to do much damage. I hope Sora, Athena and Chase are doing okay." Ace thought to himself.

Meanwhile Sora shot the stone dragon with a light energy blast freeing Chase from its deadly grip. Athena's leg was fully healed after 3 hours of using her healing ability. She started to treat Chase.

"How is he doing?" Sora asked kneeling next to her.

"He will be fining just a little sore. Mom, why does he love me so much?" Athena asked.

Sora gave her daughter a look of complete shock. She couldn't believe what she just heard.

"I can't answer that Athena you will have to ask him yourself. And it looks like you will get your chance." Sora said as Chase began to wake up.

"Are you okay Chase? You gave us quite scare." Sora said

"Yeah I am fine just my head hurts." he said.

He looked at Athena and smiled but his smile soon disappeared she didn't smile back.

"Are you okay Athena?" Chase asked.

"Chase, Why do you love and standby me?" she asked.

Chase was shocked that would ask such a thing and hurt that she would question his love. He took a deep breath before he spoke.

"Athena, you are the kindest girl I ever met. I am always happy when I am with you and you are always there for me. You are everything I could ever want or need." He said calmly.

"But ever since you met me your life has been in danger. I failed to protect you not once but twice. I'm nothing but a burden and a liability to you. Maybe you should be with someone else...." she said on the verge of tears.

Chase heard enough. He hugged Athena tightly much to her surprise.

"You are NOT a burden or a liability. I don't want to be with anyone else. I want to be with you. You are my love and the most beautiful girl I know.

You are everything to me Athena and nothing will change that ever you are stuck with me." Chase said looking into her eyes.

Tears flowed from her eyes after hearing that. Her worst fear was Chase would give up and leave her. Most males would have by that point. But then again Chase wasn't like most males. She felt horrible for ever doubting his love.

"Chase I am so sorry. I wasn't thinking straight..." She said sadly.

Chase hugged her tightly and rubbed her back making her purr.

"It's okay Athena." he said

Their moment was interrupted when they heard loud explosion coming from the abandoned city.

"Pops is in trouble. We have to help him." Athena said with a worried tone.

Sora was once again shocked. Hearing Athena refer to Ace as a father figure so soon was enough to make her head spin but there was time for that later. Ace was in danger. Sora's protective instincts kicked in and she readied her arrows. She then looked at her daughter and son in law to be.

"YOU are staying here. You need to stay with Chase. I will go alone." Sora said.

Athena was about to protest when Sora gave her a stern look silencing her. She knew that look. It meant what I say goes end of story. With that settled she took off to go help Ace. But something puzzled her. Sora knew she was still weakened for the poison but something was off. The poison in her system was not fatal. It only weakened her at best. She knew Thorn was the one who did it but when using poison the idea is to kill the victim not make them sick for a few months. The analysis said the poison was none lethal and would only cause severe illness at best. It was too weak to be a mistake. The more she thought about it the more it didn't make sense. Thorn could have killed her easily but all he did was make her sick.

Mean while Ace losing strength. He was in bad shape. His armor was nearly completely shattered he was cover in deep cuts from the fight. Thorn was hurt as well but as badly because of his armor was much tougher. He thought that if he kept his distance Thorn couldn't do that much damage but he was wrong. Thorn pulled out two ion blasters and opened fire on him. Ace managed to block the barrage with his sword as he charged at him with blinding speed. He punched thorn in the stomach and in the back but only to get knocked through a loop and sent into the pavement making him drop is sword. Ace stood up and smiled because Thorn took the bait.

"What are you smiling at?" Thorn growled.

He then got is his answer when her heard loud beeping sound. When Ace hit his back, he put an explosive on the armor. Thorn knew he had to think quickly and ripped off the top half of his armor just as it exploded. The shock waves hit him making him crash into the ground. Thorn had enough. He still had the armored gloves and the rest of his weapons. He slammed a glowing paw onto the ground and a massive wave of rock and debris slammed into Ace. Before Ace could recover, Thorn stabbed metal stakes into his paws, abdomen and legs pinning him to the ground. Ace tried to move but the only part of his body he could move was his head. His whole body felt numb.

"I missed your vital points so you won't die but those stakes make a special vibration that paralyzes the muscles of the victim. You can't move on your own anymore. You put up a good fight. You and I have a lot in common. We both want peace." Thorn said calmly.

Ace snarled and his ears were pinned against his head as he lay on his stomach helpless.

"I am nothing like you! The peace you want is false. Claiming to make peace doesn't justify murder. True peace is when people live together with little to no conflict regardless of race. What you are doing is genocide." He growled.

"The furs took my mate from me. She was a vixen one of your own people. YOUR government created her to be a mindless clone and a killing machine but when she didn't come out they wanted they used her as a test subject for their experiments. They burned testes drugs and even used her as a target for testing new weapons. They would drug her so she couldn't fight back as they took turns raping her. I will never forgive the furs for that. The only one who could save her was Kira I had to be his soldier in return. I will get my revenge. I will show the furs what true pain is. We both want the same thing a world with out danger. That is why I am going to wipe out the furs. I wish it didn't have to be this way. You were a true friend and the only one I could trust but since you won't stay out of my way I have no choice but to kill you." Thorn said aiming a blaster at Ace head.

Just Thorn was about to pull the trigger he jumped away as energy hit the ground right where he was standing. Sora landed right in front of Ace.

"You won't touch him!" She roared.

Ace knew Sora was very weak for the poison and from all the energy she used fighting Kira. She was no match for Thorn in her condition.

"Sora, what are you doing here!? Don't foolish get out of here. You can't beat him on your own." Ace said.

Sora ignored his pleas. She knew she couldn't fight Thorn and win but she knew she was the only one who could help Ace. She knew she needed to remove the stakes. She blasted one faster the other but Thorn shot at her forcing her into the air, with Thorn right behind her. She tried to shoot him down but missed every shot. Finally she hit her mark but it wasn't enough. Thorn kneed her in the stomach forcing the wind out of her and making her crash land into the ground. Before she could recover from shock Thorn stepped on her neck and pointed a blaster at her chest. He then gave Ace a cold look.

"Let me show what it feels like to see the one you love taken from you. This is what happens when you play the hero Ace." Thorn said as he pulled the trigger and shot Sora in the chest a t point blank range.

Sora didn't move after that. Ace screamed her name until he couldn't scream anymore but she didn't answer. She just lied there motionless. Ace just stared with a blank look on his face the smell of burnt flesh flooded his nostrils. Ace felt a burning pain in his and then he blacked. Thorn couldn't believe what was happening. Ace started to change. His body got more muscular and his eyes were blood red. He let out a savage growl as he charged at Thorn running on all fours moving so fast he only looked like a blur and hit Thorn. Thorn blocks his first swing but the second one sent him into a building. Thorn quickly recovered and took a stance.

"Your actions are justified.... But know this. MY PAIN IS STILL GREATER THAN YOURS!" Thorn roared as he slammed a glowing paw into the ground.

A barrage of stone kunai flew at Ace but that didn't stop him. He was like a savage beast. It was like he didn't feel pain. Thorn knew where Ace came from and his clan's bloody past. There was no mistaking it. Ace had the savage gene. (The savage gene is when a fur looses all sense of reason and becomes a savage beast determined to kill every living thing they see whether friend of foe. It is most common in mixed fur breeds) Thorn knew that the tiger wolf that killed Sora mother had it too. Thorn fled from the city with Ace hot on his trail.

"That's right keep following me" Thorn thought to himself as he led the tiger wolf into his trap.

Thorn flew into an open field and his whole body started to glow and a bright green color and the ground started break up and float into the air. Ace couldn't keep his footing and tried to reach the dragon only to be caught in the trap. Suddenly smaller rocks latched on to his arms and legs and even his neck holding him down. The tiger wolf thrashed around like a wild animal caught in a cage. Thorn slammed both of his paws into the ground and all of the floating rocks slammed into each other and Ace and then crashed into the ground so hard it made a creator. Thorn fell to his knees panting from exhaustion. The air was fill with the sent of Ace's blood.

"It's over..." Thorn thought to himself as he saw the tiger wolf's body lying there with his eyes closed in a pool of blood not moving.

Ace finally came to but he didn't feel awake. All he saw was white and his injuried were gone.

"Where am I?" Ace said to himself seeing that nobody was around.

Then the memories of everything that happened be fore he blacked out came back to him and he teared up remember what happened to Sora.

"I couldn't protect her. How could this have happened? I failed." Ace said to himself.

"So are you just going to quit then?"

Ace spun around saw a much older Grey wolf standing right in front of him. He looked just like Ace except he didn't have stripes. Ace knew who this fur was but he couldn't belive it. He just stared blankly at the wolf.

"Aren't you going to say hello or are you just going to stare at me pup. Or are you too cool now to say hi to your dear old dad" the wolf said crossing his arms.

"You can't be real. "My dad passed away along time ago." Ace said.

"Well we are in the spirit world Ace. Don't tell me you don't remember what that is." The wolf said with a serious look in his eyes.

"Ace's eye went wide as it all clicked in his head. I am dead aren't I?" he asked.

The grey wolf didn't say anything. He just snapped his fingers and a large piece of paper appeared. The paper had a list of names on it and every few minutes a new name appeared.

"This is the list of all of the people on that were on earth when they died today." the wolf said.

Ace looked through the list over but he didn't see Sora's name and even weirder he didn't see his own name.

Dad did everyone who died today get their names on this list? Did a dragoness come here too? He asked the wolf.

The grey wolf shook his head.

"All of the people who died on earth today are on that list if you don't see their names then they are still alive there are no mistakes" The Grey wolf said calmy

Ace felt tears of joy well up in his eyes. Sora was still alive. But that joy was replaced by confusion. He did see his name on the list either.

"Why isn't my name on that list dad? If I am here then I am dead right?" Ace asked hoping to get a clear answer.

".If you could go back and try again would you do it even if you die?" the grey wolf asked.

Yes, I made a promise and I never go back on my word. That is the way of the warrior. And if I don't win I can die knowing I gave it my all." Ace said proudly.

The Grey wolf nodded and smiled>

"I raised you well son." he said before he vanished in a bright light blinding Ace.

When Ace's vision finally cleared he saw that her was in a big hole and his whole body hurting and covered in rock. He pushed the rocks off and slowly stood up slowly stood up and started to climb out of the crater. Thorn was just about to leave when he heard the sound of the rock move. He turned and saw battered Ace barly standing looking strait at him.

"You have more lives than a cat Ace. Why don't you just give up?" Thorn asked getting ready for another round.

"I swore to protect what I hold dear to me. Thorn said that you want peace but what would your mate say if she could see you now? You become the very thing you swore to she hates a killing machine." Ace said calmly.

His words struck a nerve and Thorn let out a roar of anger.

"SHUT UP, I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ANOTHER WORD OUT OF YOU!!!" He roared as he chagred at Ace.

Ace knew at this point there was only one way to stop the raging dragon. He stood his ground and at the last second punched Thorn in the stomach with a double palm. The Ace hit him in his left and right legs and then his arms breaking them too. Thorn knew this kill move. It was the one he taught Ace when they were just rookies at the F.A.S. Ace hit nim in the chest making the dragon cough up blood and fall on his back.

Jack if we work together we can stop KIra for good." Ace said hoping to get through to him one last time.

Thorn thought about Ace's words. He was about to agree when one of the buildings was startinging to collapse. Thorn's paws glowed and Ace found himself cover in rock and steel protecting him from harm. When the dust cleared He saw Thorn crushed under a pile of steel. The dragon was beyond help and they both knew it.

"So it is your bond with the others.... that give you your strength...I guess I was just too blind to see it....." Thorn said as he closed his eyes for the final time but he died smiling.

For years Ace wanted to avenge the furs and make Thorn pay for his crimes. But even though he avenged his fallen comrads he didn't feel as good as he thought he would. Thorn was just another slave who did what he thought was right. He was protecting the one he loved and Kira used that love to make him fight. Ace hated Kira even more if that was even possible. The fact that Kira would use his own son like a tool made the tiger wolf's blood boil. Ace was suddenly grip by sever pain and collapsed onto the ground. His vision went blurry to black.

Back in the city, Athena and Chase were looking for Ace and Sora. Athena knew she was going to get yelled at for disobeying her mom's order but she refused to just stand by while the others fought even is it meant getting chewed out for being disobedient and possibly punished. Naturally, Chase followed the dragoness wherever she went. After a few hours of looking for a few hours they decided to take a rest. Once they were rested they continue their search.

Not far away Sora started to come to. She had a huge head ach and her chest hurt but other that that she was fine. She was thankful she was able to put up a weak energy shield at the last second. The shield did stop the blast but it did stop it from being fatal.

"Dam, those blasters really pack a punch. My chest is going to be sore for weeks." she said to herself.

She then heard the sound of foot steps and got on her guard. She didn't relax until she saw it was Athena and Chase. Athena wasted no time running to he mother's side with Chase right behind her.

"Mom, are you okay?" she asked with a concerned tone.

(SMACK) Athena whimpered holding her cheek where Sora had slapped her.

"I told you to stay away! What if you got hurt or worse what if Chase got hurt?" Sora hissed.

"I only wanted to help." Athena said.

"Athena this is a war zone. You could get killed. Ace and I are trained for this sort of thing. I know Ace will tell you the same thing. I am glad you want to help and you did well so far but now it is time for the adults to deal with this. But if you want to fight so badly I won't stop you. If you want to be a soldier then I am going to treat you like one." Sora said clearly annoyed.

With that settled the trio set out in search for Ace. Sora searched from the air while Athena and Chase searched on the ground. Sora finally spotted him but she was gripped by fear. When she landed she could tell he was hurt badly and not even Athena could heal these injuries. Athena and Chase caught up soon after and gasped at the site.

"Even I can't heal theses wounds..." Athena said sadly.

"I will heal him myself." Sora said.

"Mother that is too risky and your energy are too low. You could die." Athena said shocked.

"I don't care. I already lost one mate because of Kira. I won't loose another." Sora said.

She knew that even though Ace was just like Hades. She knew now that she loved Ace for him. There were no questions no second thoughts. Sora placed both paws on his and closed her eyes. Her whole body started to glow bright yellow and soon Ace's did too. Athena and Chase watched as all of Ace's wounds healed. Soon the glow stopped and Sora panted heavily.

"We just have to wait now." she said.

After about 3 days Ace finally woke up. He looked around and saw Athena sleeping at his feet with Chase in her arms. To his left he saw Venus was awake polishing her naginata. She looked at him for a second not saying a word and went back to polishing her. Ace knew that was her version of a greeting so he didn't mind. When he tried to get up he felt like he was being he was by something raped around his wait. He knew that it was Sora. The tired fur decided not to wake the sleeping dragoness and went back to sleep himself.

Meanwhile back at the mountain lair Kira walked to his chamber. He was covered in scars and burn marks and his armor was ruined. Once inside his chamber he pulled a lever and a hidden door opened. The wounded dragon walked inside and went to a computer termial connected to a large vat. He typed on the keyboard and the vat drained and opened and a large dragon walked out. He was older than Kira and had black scales and a red under belly and blood red eyes and a large wings. He was wearing a silver metal vest that was fused to his chest

"Welcome back to the world of the living Hades" Kira said with an evil grin.

Hades opened his eyes roared spitting fire into the air as he did.

To be continued.....