Story by Deathsia on SoFurry

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"I care not for any more prisoners as I have plenty....leave none alive!" Chris called out to his army of followers as they approached the Ketchum's HQ.

"you do know right that Julian is awake right? And everyone is there is mostly likely armed to the muzzle in weapons..." Jessica said as she marched along side of Chris.

"And that's where you come in my dear mother....you will face her one-on-one to keep her away from the others...with your enhanced power thanks to my genius, you should have no problems with her." Chris said with a evil grin that his mother returned with one to match it.

"Heh...finally...I'll erase her from existence which will make me the original...." Jessica said with a malicious grin.

Meanwhile in HQ everyone was eating a nice fine cooked dinner while Ash brought his wife up to speed on what all had happened over the past ten years when their proximity alarm began to blare loudly and Josh rushed over to check it.

"Holy shit!!!!! it's a whole fucking army heading our way!!!!" Josh yelled out in shock with a look of fear on his face as he turned to face everyone who had come running up upon hearing this.

"How did they find us?!" Alexia asked in a panicked tone.

"There's no time to wonder how...EVERYONE GEAR UP! AND I MEAN EVERYONE! Even you Cash! If Chris wants to take us head on he's gonna regret it!" Ash shouted and everyone began to run to the equipment room.

"Figures....no sooner I escape he finds me.....fine job you did of concealing this place Ashy boy!" Cash remarked in a tone that reminded him all too well of Gary Oak's attitude towards him in his youth.

"Shut the fuck up,and gear up!" Ash retorted in a angry tone as he took out his sword and other equipment."I Wish Meo was here right now...he knows my fighting style better than anyone..." Ash Thought to himself.

"Do you think he knows Ashley and Jolt are not here?" Julian asked as she took equipment out along side of her husband.

"Most likely...i don't know how he figured out where we are..but we need to confront him before he reaches us!" Ash replied and ran to the pad along side of Chikaria who was looking slightly scared."Are you okay?" Ash asked curiously as everyone began to get onto the pad.

"Yes, I am okay....but I've never fought Chris's forces Head on like this." Chikaria replied nervously.

"Okay, everyone...i just want you all to know...in case anything happens...i love you all and if something should happen to me...Josh will be the knew leader." Ash said smiling at his son as he said this.

"Nothing is going to happen to you while I'm here...so don't even say those kind of things." Julian said as the platform lifted up.

Upon hearing this Josh gave a look of shock."But why me? Why not Jolt?" Josh asked curiously still in shock.

"Of all the entire family,you're the smartest, and you know everyone here better than I know them myself..." Ash said looking at his son proudly."So I could think of no one better to lead the family should I die than you son." Ash said with a fatherly smile and then looked ahead as the platform stopped at ground level.

Just then from behind the bushes came stepping forward was none other than Chris and Jessica."Oh dear me...what shall I do? you've got a small army of pathetic simpletons....HA,HA,HA,HA!!!!" Chris said in a mock scared tone and started to laugh loudly and manically as his army began to walk up behind him.

Julian eyed Jessica with a sense of pure loathing in her eyes as she stared at her to which Jessica retorted with a sneer and a laugh of her own."From the look in your eyes I'd say you also have memories from that other time-line...i wonder how, speaking as my minions killed you...but I suppose that won't matter soon now will it?" Jessica said holding her sneer as she spoke.

"What non-since are you spouting off now you freakish creation!" Ash yelled angrily which caused Jessica glance to change to Ash's.

"Actually,i am curious as to what time-line you speak of myself Jessica, but you can explain after we've killed this pathetic excuse for a army." Chris said in a causal yet menacing tone.

"How I know of you and what you did is not your concern....you should be more worried about what I'm going to do to you!" Julian replied in a loathing tone to match her stare.

"Enough talk! Attack!!!" Chris called out to which his army of clones charged at then.

Ash then drew his sword that was held by the sheath on his back and focused his electricity into it causing the blade to start glowing with a slight pulse of electricity now and then."Gotta hand it to Josh...this sword he made works perfectly for me." Ash thought to himself as he charged in along side of his wife with everyone following closely behind him.

Julian charged directly for Jessica while Ash began to tangle with a Tyranitar. Julian went from running on all fours to her hind paws as she threw a thunderpunch at Jessica that she stopped with one open paw."You sick rat! How could you do it?! Your my exact clone! I thought we settled things back when our second encounter occurred?!" Julian shrieked as she used her Iron tail blade attack to which Jessica countered with her own.

"It was fun!" Jessica retorted evilly as she took her by the paw and threw her over her head to which Julian recovered mid-air and landed on all fours several feet away from her and charged at her again.

"My daughter may have finished you off last time but I will have the pleasure of doing so myself this time!" Julian yelled as she ran up on Jessica and disappeared in a blur mere feet from her and appeared in another blur above her and came striking down with an Iron tail blade attack.

Jessica countered this just in time and pushed Julian off her mid-air still and sent her flying back to which she landed on all fours again and skidded to a halt and charged at her again.

Meanwhile Cash was handling his own against multiple Pokemon."Ha! Is that all you got?!" Cash remarked stopping a Charizard's Firepunch and countering with his own thunderpunch sending the Pokemon flying backward into a few other. He then turned and used an Irontail attack on a Rydon who had been charging at him hitting it upside the head sending it flying a few feet back and unconscious. "Damn....Chris has really slacked of-OOF!!! Cash was cut off mid-sentence by a blow to the stomach by a Gengar who had sneaked up on him.

Cash stumbled back a few feet only to get ganged up on by several other Pokemon. Josh who was simply standing doing nothing at that moment for he had not moved frozen in fear from the sight of so many Pokemon looked at Cash getting the living shit beat out of him and suddenly mustered up the courage to charge in.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!!" Josh yelled at the top of his lungs pulling what looked like a small device from his belt and chucked it at one of the Pokemon. Upon making contact with a Rydon instantly began to shoot multiple ropes out which bound the Rydon in mere seconds then began to soak it in VERY hot water which shot out of the small holes in each of the vines like miniature jet streams. Josh then threw another small device out which landed on a Venusaur and did the same thing except instead of electricity engulfed it in flames.

By now two of the Pokemon who had been ganging up on Cash turned and charged at Josh. Josh looked at the Electabuzz and the Sneasel and gave a cheesy grin."Oh dear me, what shall I do?" Josh said in a mocking tone."I know! Here ya go!" Josh said with the same cheesy grin and chucked two pellets at the Pokemon which upon making contact encased them both in blocks of ice.

Chris stood overlooking the battle and stared on in curiosity at Josh and gave an annoyed glance realizing that's exactly what he had said that day he turned Ash into a Pikachu."Did that Pikachu create those devices himself? And that line...i hate copy-meowths!" Chris said with an annoyed sneer and disappeared in a flash of psychic energy and reappeared mere feet behind Josh.

"Did you make those yourself?" Chris asked in a calm manner despite the battle raging around them.

Josh suddenly gasped and turned to look at Chris who was staring at him with his usual smile and back onto his tail shaking in fear and literally wet his fur as he looked on in fear not even realizing he had soaked his rump and hind legs in urine.

"Looks like I scared the piss out of you..." Chris said and began to laugh manically.

Josh however was frozen in fear his body still shaking uncontrollably as he looked on at what he thought would be death staring him in the eyes.

Ash was still fighting the Tyranitar and looked to see Chris standing mere feet from his son and a ping of panick and fear for his son's life overtook him. He then looked at the Tyranitar."I don't have time to be messing with you when my son's life is in danger!" Ash said and charged at the Tyranitar.

"Crimson Slash!!!" Ash cried out as he took his sword and charged at the Tyranitar using his agility and impaled it through the chest then jumped up with the blade still wedged into the Tyranitar's chest literally slicing it in half vertically.

Meanwhile Josh still sat in fear while Cash attempted to fight his way to Josh but seemed to make no progressed as he took down each one by more took their place as fast as he struck them down."Damn,it! Josh,hold on I'm coming!" Cash said then then looked around him and growled. "You fucking little mindless drones are getting on my last nerve!!!" Cash yelled out and large sparks began to emit from his cheeks"PIIII-KAAAA-CHUUUUUUU!" Cash screamed at the top of his lungs as a huge thunder attack barreled down from above him striking him but at the same time sent an electric pulse emitting from him shocking all the Pokemon with a five foot radius to death.

Cash then charged at Chris head on causing Josh to gasp in shock."Hey, you psychotic moron! Take a bite of this knuckle sandwich!!!" Cash yelled out causing Chris to shift his gaze just in time for Cash's thunderpunch attack land squarely on his mouth knocking him back s few feet onto his ass.

"Curse me for forgetting to keep my barrier up!" Chris thought in an pissed off tone and stood back up not smiling as he wiped the fresh blood from his busted lip."That you little rat is the ONLY freebie you are going to get!" Chris said and shot a hyper-beam attack from him palm hitting cash directly sending him flying a few feet into the air and land on the ground on his side unconscious.

"CASH,NO!" Josh exclaimed in horror and looked up at Chris with a feeling of renewed bravery as rage filled his heart for the first time like never before.

"HOW DARE YOU HURT HIM!" Josh said pulling another device from his belt and chucked it at Chris upon getting within mere feet from him exploded into twenty small bombs which exploded upon impact."I'm not done yet you fucking psychotic asshole!" Josh said and without hesitation threw several more small devices at him all of which exploded into sets of twenty to forty small bombs each. And now the big finale!!!" Josh yelled and took out a device and pushed a button on it that caused it to turn into a circular blade that began to emit a small laser beam from edge of the blade in a circular motion. Josh held this above his head and began to make a circular motion until he let go throwing it at Chris."Death boomerang go!" Josh yelled as it sailed into the dust filled area where the previous bombs had exploded making a loud cutting sound which sounded like it hit it's target.

For some time it seemed like Josh had actually defeated him until a cackling began to come from the dust cloud."I-I-Impossible! Those are my most advanced weapons! H-How could you even be standing, let alone breathing! I calculated your barrier's defense and all from the data I obtained on you!" Josh said in a shocked and disbelieving tone.

As the dust cloud finally dissipated Chris stood in a defensive stance with Josh's Death boomerang mere inches from his neck clearly being stopped by his psychic energy. "Your genius almost matches mine.....i will commend you on knowing how to break through my barrier so easily and if I hadn't reacted when I did I would have been killed by your final assault...but alas...you failed!" Chris said with a malicious grin crushing Josh's invention with his psychic energy causing it to explode in front of his eyes upon which Josh's fear returned to him ten fold.

"The look in your eyes upon seeing him being harmed...i have seen it before in your mother's and Jolt's eyes when they are trying to protect the one's they love....are you in love with the male Pikachu?" Chris asked in a malicious tone to which Josh's fear turned to embarrassment at which Chris's eye's widened still grinning and began to cackle."Oh this is rich! First a human and a Pokemon...now it's gay Pikachu love! Oh, the list of truly hilarious information just keeps rolling in!" Chris said and began to laugh manically holding his chest as he laughed.

Cash was just now regaining consciousness as he heard this question being asked by Chris. And his comments to follow."Josh loves me?" Cash thought to himself still in pain from the Hyper-beam attack.

Josh's embarrassment quickly turned to anger as he stared at Chris laughing at him until he could bare it no longer."Shut up!" Josh said angrily.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you over my so richly entertained laughter!" Chris said and continued to laugh.

"I SAID SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU ARROGANT,EGOTISTIC,RETARDED, LITTLE SHIT OF A WANNA-BE SCIENTIST!!!" Josh yelled at the top of his lungs causing Chris to stop laughing and give him a angry glare.

"What did you call me? You little ass-fucker." Chris asked in a clearly pissed off tone.

"You heard me! So I'm in love with another male, so fucking what?! At least I know what love is! You on the other paw....your nothing but an little shit of a wanna-be scientist who couldn't get a human or Pokemon to love you even if it was a male!" Josh said in a cocky tone upon which Chris suddenly advanced on him and griped him by the neck lifting him up into the air causing Josh to gag and choke.

"I'm going to enjoy watching you take your last breaths you little ass-fucker! No one insults my intelligence and lives!" Chris said in the same clearly pissed off tone.

Josh however even though he was gagging and choking managed to form a grin on his face."What are you smiling about?!" Chris asked clearly unaware that Josh was reaching into his belt and pulling another device out.

"You...left...your...self...wide...open..." Josh said between gags and slammed the device onto his chest causing Chris to drop him and stare in shock at the device on his chest which he couldn't remove not even with his psychic energy.

Josh stood up and managed to jump out of Chris's reach. He then pulled out another device with a little red button on top and smiled."Too easy." Josh said trying his best to mimic Solid snake's tone and pressed the button causing the device on Chris's chest to explode sending Chris literally flying skyward."God, I love Super Smash brothers brawl!" Josh said with a cheesy grin gasping for breath still but proud of himself at what he had just done.

Josh then ran over to Cash and saw he was okay and hugged him."I'm so glad your Okay...." Josh said quietly as he held Cash who was still taking in this new set of information.

"Josh....did you actually mean what you said to Chris?" Cash asked curiously as he sat up grunting in pain as he did so.

"Y-you heard me?!" Josh replied in a shocked tone and blushed red as cherry to which Cash nodded.

Josh let out a sigh and looked at Cash..."I was afraid to tell you...i didn't know if you were the same way I am or not...i'm sorry...i understand if your not that way." Josh said quietly as the chaos of battle around them seemed to fade out.

What happened next Josh was totally unprepared for. Cash locked his muzzle with Josh's causing his eyes to widen in shock at first then close in bliss completely unaware of Chris's sudden appearance behind them drawing a bone claw from him palms.

Ash saw Cash and Josh and seemed to just stare for a moment in shock at the sight of his son kissing another male then to Chris who was posing to throw the bone claw at them. Ash without hestation charged in towards them.

Cash opened his eyes to see the bone blade coming and suddenly stood up and flung josh in front of him holding him tightly much to Josh's shock and horror as he realized what was happening.

As the bone claw sailed at them Ash lunged himself in front of it impaling him in the back and through his chest. Time seemed to freeze as Josh stared on in horror as everything around him turned blood red until he managed to scream out at the top of his lungs that turned into a shriek mid-scream. "DADDY,NOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Josh screamed as time seemed to unfreeze as Ash fell to the ground in front of them not moving as a puddle of blood began to form under him.

This scream caused the entire Ketchum family,Misty,Charizard, and Professor Oak to jerk their heads in the direction of the scream as well as everyone who had been fighting as Chris began to laugh manically.

"Oh,god! Misty said clasping a hand over her mouth as tears filled her eyes at the sight that beheld her.

"Dear,god....not this...." Professor oak said quietly unable to believe what he is seeing.

Meanwhile Ashley and Kendory were still waiting to Jolt to awaken when suddenly a ping of sadness and dread overcame Ashley...

"Oh,god.....something is VERY wrong!" Ashley said as fear and worry filled her heart.

"I sense great sorrow.....If only we could have found those legends in time....i fear the worst has happened...." Kendory said staring on.

"Kendory....is there anything you can do?! I can stand to wait any longer!" Ashley shrieked in a panicked tone.

"I'm sorry Ashley...but we can't do anything....unless you wish to leave your brother behind. You have a great empathy with your family don't you?" Kendory said looking at Ashley.

"I seem to yes....but what do you mean by, you fear the worst has happened?" Ashley said looking at Kendory with worried eyes.

"I can not say...for I am not sure myself...." Kendory said and looked back to Jolt."Mewtwo...can't you sense it? Someone is dying! Please! If you do not do something to aid us,more Ketchum blood will be spilt!" Kendory thought to himself trying to communicate with Mewtwo through his thoughts.

Ashley looked at Kendory curiously."You know something...don't you?!" Ashley said in an angry tone.

"No....I'm afraid I do not." Kendory lied.

Ashley had a good feeling she knew he was lying and grabbed him by the shell and jerked him to face her."Don't fuck with me you undead fossil! NOW OUT WITH IT! WHAT HAPPENED TO ME AND JOLT'S FAMILY!?" Ashley shrieked angrily.

Kendory glared at Ashley for that remark for a few moments before he yanked himself out of her grip and regained his composure."Very well...i sensed that one of your family is on the verge of death..but I can not tell who...i did not want to-"But Kendory could not finish his sentence as Ashley speed past him so fast a flame literally erupted behind her because of the friction of the speed she was now running."Dear god....her power....it's almost inpokemon.....just how much untapped power do you have in you Ashley Ketchum?" Kendory asked aloud having seen Ashley leave his rang of sight in mere seconds.

"I'm sorry,jolt! I can't stand by your side because our family needs me! But I'll be back as soon as I can!" Ashley thought herself as she dashed with such speed that a loud"BANG!" could be heard as she speed up even faster.

"My power.....i haven't even figured out my full potential....and yet...somehow....i know it's there! I'm not even sure I'm even a Pokemon anymore...and yet....i know i am...it's funny how I have so much untapped power...and the only time I can tap into it is when I feel so strongly for someone..." Ashley thought realizing how fast she was actually running but did not slow down one bit as she speed towards towards HQ having already covered four towns in mere minuets.

Meanwhile Chris continued to laugh manically as he stared on at Ash who still lay motionless.

Josh broke free of Cash's hug and dashed to his father's side and picked him up and held him. Ash's eye's still lay wide open...but not in shock or terror....but pure determination....just by looking into his father's eyes he could tell he knew what would happen from the moment he dashed in the way of the attack.

"D-Daddy,please don't leave me! Josh said sobbing. Holding Ash close to him and then he heard a whisper...a weak one...but a whisper non-the-less.

"Josh....I....am....so...proud...of...you..." Ash said between labored gasps as whispering was all he seemed capable of at the moment.

"Daddy....you saw me kissing Cash...didn't you?....I'm sorry! I know it's not right! I'll-" But Josh was cut off by Ash weakly placing a paw in his shoulder."No.....it's....okay...son...be...who....you...are...." Ash said and cough up fresh blood which stained Josh's fur but he did not care."Daddy...please...you can make it can't you?" Josh said between sobs.

"No....i...don't...think...i..can...son...." Ash said and gave a soft but weak smile."Gay....or....not....your....still...my...Chu....and....just...remember....i.........will.........always.........

love.......you........" Ash said his shallow breaths becoming more shallow by the second."You're....the.........leader.......of......the....family......now........protect....them.....my.......son.........."

Ash said and his eyes fluttered for a moment before they closed and he exhaled once more and went limp.

"I will protect them daddy....i swear it....." Josh said in a saddened tone and stood up to stare at Chris.

"Ohh...a father's last words.......how.....sickening." Chris said with the same grin on his face as he always wore.

"I never wanted to do this....but...i guess I'll have to...to put an end to you!" Josh said taking a small device out and holding it."ALL MICE ABANDON SHIP! THE BOAT IS SINKING!!!" Josh yelled out at the top of his lungs and pressed the button on the remote.

"What the fuck does that mean?" Chris asked and looked around to see the everyone who had been fighting his army was now running like bats out of hell from the area ignoring all who attempted to pursue them and shortly after pressed buttons on their com devices making them disappear a few moments later from sight.

I have wired to the entire HQ over two thousand pounds of C4 and that button I just pushed started a count down. In five minuets this place is going to go up like the fourth of July!" Josh said with a grin on his face."Are you a fool?! You'll kill yourself as well!" Chris said and attempted to teleport out but found he couldn't."What did you do?!" Chris said staring at Josh with a pissed off glare.

Upon activating the count down a device of my own invention is activated as well...i call it P.O.K.E. Which stands for Pokemon offensive attack eliminator. To be more precise it nullifies all Pokemon attacks and abilities within a five mile radius...and this explosion will extend to about double that!

At these words Chris's glare turned to panic."RETREAT! FLEE!!! THIS PLACE IS GOING TO GO UP IN LESS THAN FIVE MINUETS YOU FOOLS!!!!" Chris yelled out and everyone began to run.

"No one will out run this explosion...it's the end of you Chris, and your rein of terror!" Josh said bravely then bent down and pressed the button on his father's com device teleporting him to safety.

"How did he just do that?! Tell me!!!" Chris yelled lunging for Josh but missed him.

Every single one of us have a teleportation device installed on our coms you see....so we get away safely while you die. Who's the better scientist now Chris?! Josh said in a pissed off yet cocky tone an motioned to Cash who pressed the button on his and teleported to safety.

"So long Chris!" Josh and went to push the button on his com device but his paw for some reason stopped mere inches from it he then looked up to see Chris with one palm out with the veins in his palm and arm pulsing as he was clearly pushing even his power beyond it's limits.

"Jessica! Get your ass over here and take his com device and get to safety!" Chris called out at which Josh gasped."what are you playing at?!" Josh asked with a confused expression on his face as Jessica ran over by his side and looked up at him.

"Shut the fuck you little rat! Mother, hurry! I don't know how much longer I can maintain my power with his stupid contraption running!" Chris said in a genuinely "scared for her life" tone at which Josh gasped in shock and looked at Jessica who gave a worried expression up at him.

"Will you be alright son?" Jessica asked as she yanked the com device off Josh's wrist and put it on her own.

"I don't know....if I should die today at the hands of this little rat...avenge my death! NOW GO!" Chris said finally letting his psychic grip go of Josh's arms at which Josh lunged at Jessica but was too late as she pressed the button but was quick to dash out of Chris's reach again.

"Mother?!" Josh said staring at Chris in disbelief.

Chris then turned to face Josh."Since I clearly can't catch you and running is pointless....I'll tell you. I cloned her from your mother's DNA which you late father's first encounter with Mewtwo....to be honest I am not sure why I did such a weak thing...but I did it none-the-less....her memories from her previous life came back to her over time...she...even though she was not human......was the only thing.......in my entire empire that actually meant anything to me aside from the power I so richly desired..." Chris said and then scoffed."look at me....is this truly what I am?...i face death in the face and I become a weak sentimental mortal..." Chris said and glared at Josh.

"To feel compassion for another being is not a weakness! It's strength! I was so sure my invention would completely nullify even your powers...but through your caring and compassion for your mother....you over came that briefly to save her life! I guess I was wrong about you Chris...you do know what loving another is....but your still going to fry in hell for all you've done!" Josh said ending the note with the same rage and anger he already felt despite how gentle he began with how he spoke.

"I was a fool! I should have taken the device for myself!" Chris said angrily and kicked a peace of ruble in frustration.

"To show compassion for another is not foolishness you fucking retard! It shows that no matter how much of a monster you have become there's still human in you!" Josh said and then facepawed."I'm talking to a brick wall here...." Josh remarked a few moments later

"what does it matter anyways?! We are both going to die....i can at least die with the pleasure of knowing I killed at least one more rat who stood against me....and Jessica will kill your family and avenge my death!" Chris said and resumed his cocky smile.

"Well....at least you're looking on the bright side of things...." Josh remarked and then gave a cheesy grin."Well since we are both going to die anyways I suppose you wouldn't mind telling me how you managed to created that gene! We got about three minuets till this place goes up anyways." Josh said still grinning.

"Oh all the-you honestly expect me to tell you about my greatest invention just before we are going to die?!" Chris said with a look of pure annoyance.

"I don't see any harm in it as we are both about to die anyways...but if you don't want to brag about it I understand but I know how you love to brag!" Josh said still giving a cheesy grin."Him telling me this is pointless...but hell if I'm going to die I at least wanna know how he created that gene! And who knows....maybe Ashley will come charging in just in time...ya right...I'm not that lucky..." Josh thought to himself ending that thought on a bitter note.

"heh....if we weren't mortal enemies...we just might have been working together to rule this world together...." Chris said with a evil smile.

"Ha....i seriously doubt that chris...."Josh replied with a sweatdrop."Bloody hell....i don't know what's scarier....the fact I am going to die in a fiery ka-boom or the fact we are actually talking on a semi-normal level!" Josh thought to himself.

"Heh....it would take too long to explain....but because they will get burnt up anyways...how about I let you take a look at my formula?" Chris said and extended his hand out with a piece of paper.

"Sounds good to me." Josh said and walked over to take the paper when Chris gripped him by the neck once again causing him to gag and choke.

"If you think i'm going to die without taking your life myself you sadly mistaken, you little rat! You'll choke to death long before this place goes up! So I can take the pleasure in seeing the life drain from your face as your gag your finally breaths!" Chris said with a malicious grin.

"I should....have known....it was....a trap!" josh said between gags.

"That's right, you should of! I wasn't sure you'd fall for it...and imagine my delight when you did! I managed to kill your rat of a father, and now your next!" Chris said and began to cackle manically.

" Two minuets left before this place goes up and I get one last thrill before I go..and there's no better thrill then watching you take your last breath's in my grasp! The last thing you wil ever heard before you die is my laughter!" Chris said and began to laugh manically.....

AUTHOR'S COMMENTARY: Don't you just love a cliff hanger?X3