Spirit Bound: Chapter 146

His augmentation was done at the q.e. ii so _they'd_ know how to help him, right?" _'augmentation?'_did jeff think nathanial was some sort of cyborg? _'he automatically assumed_ it_was done at the queen elizabeth health sciences centre, too.

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Meega Bigger

But, for all of his genetically augmented, unnatural strength, he wasn't able to so much as even budge reuben. even genetic super-weapons had their limits. "ya done?" reuben asked, voice rumbling through the air.

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29: Thinking and Plotting

Even thinking about that put her in a particularly irked mood... which augmented her current irritation as of now. "ms. ravenhurst. i've just finished checking on your medical record regarding your operation and-" "not even greeting me, aren't ya?"

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Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 18 - A Trip Down Memory Lane

He was proud of the grenade-launching augmentation he'd managed to install. "got it?" i shook myself and focused. even if we were all used to it, it didn't prevent us from staring. "yes, sir." "one more thing, ryu."

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Fallout - Dodge and Weave

All of this was augmented by my training and constant sensory input of sights, sounds, and smells providing me with limitless options in a constant game of strategy allowing me to plan ahead and accurately foretell the opposition's future tactics.

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intentions- part 2

Someone was in there, he could tell because of his implants, one of them to be precise, his hearing has been augmented so that he could hear a pin drop at a hoedown (quite literally), but what he was hearing was not a pin, no, it was very distinct radio chatter

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Unpleasant Introduction

As he jogged, six's augmented hearing detected the sound of following steps, the patter of determined paws sizzled in his ears. "they are closing in." he warned the briggs women and went from a jog to a sprint.

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A Tale of Two Brothers

augmenting my strength and stamina by ten folds!!!! now you see you cannot win brother... what do you do now? are you gonna continue this fight?! or am i gonna have to kill you!!!!!"

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World of Cyberon: Manual

-augment: special cards that act in a similar way to armory cards, but they affect the familiar(s) instead of the wizard -domain: special cards that can change the terrain or traits of the battlefield to fit the wizard's skills.

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A Taste of the Wild

They're a type of bee that also gathers nectar and pollen from flowers, but they also augment that by sucking the sap from trees, or even biting animals and sucking their blood. in big swarms, they can suck all the blood right out of small animals!"

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Skylands: the Scorpion Spear, Part One - “Saeldrin”, Chapter Five: Worshipping Death

Almarra balmyrra had no strength to augment them again. such was the way the magic of the goddess worked. b?nor, when petitioned with traditional stoic grace, granted strength and power to those who knew her rituals of appeasement.

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Born Anew: Chapter 3

._ _further testing is needed to identify all manifestations of the augmentation, but everything is progressing smoothly.

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