Thunderfoot's first mission
Thunderfoot then made his way back across the border and began gathering up the vehicles the argentinians had abandoned, thunderfoot spent several hours helping the chileans gather up the abandoned military equipment.
D.E 1 Chapter 18: Revelations
The comet passes close to that planet every twenty five years, so with that we can conclude that the mine and mineral crops indeed could be abandoned." "'could be' is not a straight answer. we need to make sure." silver responded harshly.
Spiral Nebula - Chapter 7
We're abandoning the ship. princess theta, i'd suggest you take your brother to the shuttles." without another word, olivia led oliver from the bridge and for the launch bays. another alarm sounded, signaling to abandon ship.
Chapter 7 - Return of Bakujirou
Ever since the trainer abandon him, he doesn't use giga impact because it hurts for him to remember his trainer abandon him and he doesn't use unless he is very angry; i believe bakujirou of the flame wheel knows about it..." cron said.
Chapter Eleven: Finding Another
Relin was just abandoned and we should be there for her. if you feel that way again, just talk to star. she's very sensitive and i think she is fond of you. she'd be glad to help.'
A Forge of Heroes - Ghosts
A snap down one of the abandoned alleyways caught everyone's attention, but nothing was there. "did you hear that?" ari asked into the void. "yes..." k'eyush hedged. " one's here..." "it's the dead," merva said quietly.
Splintered Light, Chapter 10.5, Welcoming Party
"they want us to abandon ship... come ashore. the attack is by sea and ground is safe." alistair snorted. "i'm not about to abandon the wave rider-- this is my ship. besides, being marooned won't get any of us anywhere."
A Thief's Trials: The World Turns
"you who created mankind abandon them, now i shall abandon my creations? all because they do not live up to your standards?" "no. we do not abandon them, we leave them to live their lives with the full weight of their choices.
BX-132 Chapter 2
Bulldozers now completed the job that wind and rain had started, eating away at the long abandoned structures.
The Sable Islands
The southeastern island is rich with history, having a long abandoned submarine base and a beached imperial destroyer on its north shore that serves as a tomb for natives' japanese ancestors.
Pay-Pal (Part 2) Prom
He looked at his clock and saw that he had to make his way near the end of the town towards the abandon shack, he sighed deeply, feeling that there was something dreadfully wrong.
Skinwalkers: Sample
Fey greenbriar has abandoned that existence, choosing instead to live amongst humanity. as a human, xavier "zave" thendred is content with the life he has with his dog, clueless.