Interview with: Rod_Erich

How do you deal with writer's block?" the fox in question took a deep breath, ballooning his cheeks out and let it go slowly. "ah, that's a tough one.

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After the Storm - Part 24 [The Visitors]

The revision shouldn't have taken that long, but with writer's block and the revision of the next chapter to maintain continuity, it took me this long to fix it. notenote: this is not proofread so it may have grammatical/spelling errors...

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The Orphans Among Us Chapter Four: Bulletproof Fox

#4 of the orphans among us _author's note: sorry that i have not uploaded in a while kind of had writers block but now i am ready to go. comments and votes are welcome!


All's Fair - Part 8

#8 of all's fair i'm really really sorry i took so long on this one; i had other things going on, plus a nasty case of writer's block on all things related to all's fair.

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Endless Hope - ch.4

#4 of dragon choas well guys after a long writer's block and irl crazy. chapter 4 first try on fights from multiple fronts. be gentle ^^;; or at least got any tips fire away no trolling please o3o "so just like that? you wake up on this world?"

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Sirius: Book Two - Battlefields: Chapter 8 - Strategic Withdrawl

writers block, and possible other projects, have delayed this chapter, however i'd like you all to know that, while the wait times seem unbearable, the delays should be well worth it.

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Inside, Outside, Clear

"writer's block?" asked a passing fur, seeing the skunk staring blankly at his screen from the shade of the track's infield offices. the skunk's paws were poised above the keyboard. but not moving.

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Life is Just a Storm- Chapter 7- Silver Reality

And i believe i may be starting to get a little bit writer's blocked here. i do know what i want this story to do, sure, it's just how to tie all the events together that always gets to me.

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Life is Just a Storm- Chapter 4- Imperfect Certainty

Hate being busy, demotivated, or writer's blocked. screw all of that. here is chapter four... 4,399 words. lukan could not get the otter out of his mind.

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Life is Just a Storm- Chapter 25- Absence

I guess this is what happens when there is a convention and then a fuck ton of my job that i have to deal with on top of writer's block that i forced myself to get out of. but... my end goal is to get it done. first drafts are meant to be shitty.

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Highschool Life Chapter 5: Weak or Strong?

I had writer's block and school didn't help in making it any easier of thinking. hope you'll like it all the same. now, without further delay, chapter 5 of highschool life. edit: i made a huge mistake on using "hand" instead of "paw".

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Character Sheet: Eros.

I'd like to give people something to oogle at while i'm being apalled by writer's block (i.e: lazyness), and i'd also like to receive any sort of criticism you might want to provide. * * * name: eros. age: 25. gender: male. race: inconclusive.

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