Lost Pokemon Episodes: Episode 2

Professor oak passes out a stapled pamphlet filled with knowledge that every trainer needs to know.

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The Shadow

Luckily he passes out, but when he wakes up, he feels different, his nature powers were gone, instead, he felt a large ridge along his back. sadly he knew exactly what it was; the eye of the demon of shadows, his namesake, shydas.


A Summer Together Pt. 2

When we got there ,of course, the door was locked so rose and i sat out in the yard and stargazed until about one in the morning when amber unlocked the door for us. we ended up going in and passing out on the couch from exhaustion.


I Wish I Could Go Back to Fur Con

(fur 3) i wanna go down to the dance and drink a bottle of rum and pass out on the floor! ooooooh i wish i could just buy a badge (fur 2) or go to the con store (fur 1) or see a panel! (fur 3) or put tags on the door!

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a time to stop *prolougue

Then i ran into the woods as fast as i could with an injured ankle finally stumbiling and passing out from exauhstion.** > > > > **i woke up to the sound of growling and the biggest wolf i had ever seen so i got up and backed up very slowly to

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the jail

Then i passed out. day 13 damn dude is he still sleeping, someone said. i think, hay wake up! what, i said in a tired voice. hay you awake, he said. i think, i said. good, time to go. go where, i said.

Chronicles of B-man End of part 2

B-man crawled over and managed to place his left hand on the box before passing out, under his hand the box slowly opened by itself. inside two scrolls glowed. on them was a crest indicating they were from heaven.

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When i woke up we were in the dreamworld castle on the light side as apparently my team passed out near the actual castle itself. the queen as we were told to be this evil person was very patient and caring and actually healed us completely.

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Research Log [#009]

What he said next nearly made me pass out. bluntly, he told me that he and the other protogens knew who the murderer of dasha was. or rather, who the murderers were.

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Isolation-Excerpt 22-Primal

The last thing i remember before passing out was the sound of my bones snapping.

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The Disciplinarian

The bear was coming to from his passed out state from the loud noises. "who turned off the damned lights?" "someone else is with us in the room you fu-augh!!!"

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Chapter Two - A Change For The Better

It didn't take long before the heat became so intense, i passed out. * * * quickly, i sat up. feeling a wave of nervousness flow over me as i remembered the previous night. the pain, the agony, the confusion.

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