Research Log [#009]
== LOG #009 ==
Spent the day doing a little fetch-quest for the Protogens.
They were wanting used, scrap computer parts, and a lot of them. I spent a few hours rummaging through storerooms, skips and such looking for any old equipment. Heck, I must have looked like a real idiot to onlookers.
When I'd dropped off the product of my travels, 372 took me aside. First off he just started making small-talk about random subjects, which I was originally confused about. However, he later told me that this was just to detract the attention of any Security guards who may have been nearby until the premises were definitely clear. What he said next nearly made me pass out. Bluntly, he told me that he and the other Protogens knew who the murderer of Dasha was. Or rather, who the murderers were. At this point, I became slightly terrified, as for all I knew 372 could use this opportunity of privacy to reveal himself and the other Protogens as the killers by stabbing me in the back. Fortunately, this did not happen. Instead, he told me that he could not tell me exactly who it was in case of unforeseen circumstances, whatever he meant by that. However, he did reassure me that the Protogens were innocent. I'm still a bit doubtful though, no matter how much I have grown to like the Protogens.
Just a short log for now, as I am apparently required in the meeting room.
Still no sign of the subject of my personal experiment. I am getting very concerned now. No one else I have spoken with seems to know where she is either.
I hope she's ok.