In The City of Poketopolis, Ruled by a powerful pokemon king known only as Arceus. Recruited those who achieved MEGA Evolution but one from each Types such as Fire, Thunder, Water, Etc. Unfortunately, Pokemon with the Mega Evolution Ability will live...
Pokemon, fighters
-wolf roared out, at first things seemed evenly matched for the two fighters, sky cursed under his breath at being so helpless. b-man finally moved in- "raahshaaouu!!"
Angel, Bman, DBZ, Demon, Fighter, Fighting, KaioKen, Kingoffighters, Neko, Ryosakazaki, SNK, Sky, Streetfighter, fighters, king
Part 2: Road to Hell, Through Heaven:
Sky rolled onto his stomach groaning, he cursed himself for letting himself get carried away again- "oh god when I get my hands on that bastard, B you ok?!" -he called out only to have hand wrap around his mouth-...
Angel, Bman, DBZ, Demon, Fighter, Fighting, KaioKen, Kingoffighters, Neko, Ryosakazaki, SNK, Sky, Streetfighter, fighters, king
End of Part 2:
Several hours had passed since the explosion, wild life had returned to the forest near a cave entrance. a small herd of deer were just starting to have their meal when something caused them to stop then scamper off. Laboured breathing...
Angel, Bman, DBZ, Demon, Fighter, Fighting, KaioKen, Kingoffighters, Neko, Ryosakazaki, SNK, Sky, Streetfighter, fighters, king
Part 6: Into Darkness
Damien couldn't believe his eyes, nor the feeling on his body. The temperature was starting to go up, and the further he went through the tunnels the warmer it became. At first he had not taken much notice of it, until he took a...
Angel, Bman, DBZ, Demon, Fighter, Fighting, KaioKen, Kingoffighters, Neko, Ryosakazaki, SNK, Sky, Streetfighter, fighters, king
Part 5: Future
Sky stepped out of the bathroom in a fresh pair of clothes, the fight of a few hours ago scrubbed off his body. yet it didn't feel right to be standing there in the winners circle, he got carried away with the fight wanting to prove...
Angel, Bman, DBZ, Demon, Fighter, Fighting, KaioKen, Kingoffighters, Neko, Ryosakazaki, SNK, Sky, Streetfighter, fighters, king
"fighters ready?" -just as the referee announced them to begin fighting, the drop of sweat ran down to his chin. the ref glanced between the two of them.- "fight!" -his hand came down motioning for it to begin, but sky and b-man stood still.
Angel, Bman, DBZ, Demon, Fighter, Fighting, KaioKen, Kingoffighters, Neko, Ryosakazaki, SNK, Sky, Streetfighter, fighters, king
.- "i'll try" -snorted the rhino- "but i can't make any promises" -the ref glanced at the two, he couldn't help but worry about the young man- "_don't get yourself killed kid"_ -the ref moved his right arm up between them- "fighters ready?!"
Angel, Bman, DBZ, Demon, Fighter, Fighting, KaioKen, Kingoffighters, Neko, Ryosakazaki, SNK, Sky, Streetfighter, fighters, king
-sky took another bite of his fish while listening intently- "i travelled around a bit, ran into a few fighters, asked them to help me out if they could. most refused but a couple helped me out. others i just sort of picked up on."
Angel, Bman, DBZ, Demon, Fighter, Fighting, KaioKen, Kingoffighters, Neko, Ryosakazaki, SNK, Sky, Streetfighter, fighters, king
The stench of blood, fear, anger, sweat, vampire and werewolf filled the air, making the wolven femme gag violently. Numerous voices cheered above her; the loud noise rang painfully in her ears. A whimper escaped her vocal cords as she pawed at her...
Blood, Pit Fighter, Violence, Werewolf
#1 of the fighter
the first of many chapters that i wrote out all day yesterday. i hope y'all enjoy it.
ding! ding! ding!
"and there you have it folks! winner, and still your ufc womans champion, sonya!"
Doctor, Doe, Female, Fighter, Tigress, friends
Something to whittle away the hours
they're going to be beautiful and be the brightest shade of red
rose, flamingo flowers, lilies and more all arranged in a massive flower bed
i need something new to see, a different type of red
i was a fighter
Old Fighter, Poetry, Red flowers, relaxing