Another Outcast

I ignored the feeling knowing that kaida being a fire-type wouldn't be able to survive 5 water-type attacks simultaneously. so i stared at kaida and started sprinting as fast as i could when i heard the leader yell, "fire!"

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Chapter 7 - Return of Bakujirou

"yes, this technique offer an advantage to fire-type but it also has its weakness..." iruka said. "have you notice that when i spin the fire, i didn't make it cover my whole body but i only spins it???" iruka asked.


A New Guardian

Also since as a general rule fire types are both insane and stupid they don't fully follow draconic law and remove the insane ones. we aren't like humans, there is no treating insanity in a dragon.

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Spiritual Connection

I picked the fire-type they had available, seeing as i'd likely be spending some chilly nights under the stars on that mountain (i never fared well in the cold having grown up in balmy sunyshore), so quilava and i began the intense apprenticeship.

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Ember Tails, ch3 (pt.4)

The vulpix's jaw waggled from side to side a bit, the fire-type looking down at her plate deep in thought. the table was quiet for more than a minute as she thought. "well...

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Keep Moving Forward

Her brown and red fur did not match the usual lively shades fire types tended to have. instead her pelt was damp and the color drab and dark, like the embers of a camp fire put out by water. he had feared the worst.

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Anthropia Chapter 2

**"i understand your first accidental spell was a fire type, so i'll be passing on my sorcerous teachings to you at the academy."** valo finished.

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Monster I Have Become: Prologue

There is the fire-type flareon, the water-type vaporeon, the grass-type leafeon, the electric-type jolteon, the ice-type glaceon, and the psychic-type espeon." "hey wait, isn't there a dark-type one." i asked him. "ah! um...yes. there is.

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Scarlet Explorer: The Guild

It always had confused him why they put sets of furniture in, it wasn't like the wary fire-type was going to be inviting anyone anytime soon. guess it came in handy now that he had a guest. the house was two stories, but that didn't make it very large.

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Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 3 - Evolution

Didn't you say you wanted to be a fire-type?" another voice could be heard. flak. kyus body, though not visible, was disolving again. "pff...was probably too hot for him..." sruliana. but he couldn't see anybody.

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Shifters: Chapters 1-4

Kai made his own way through the shelves to the fire type section, disbelieving, as he read through the names and descriptions of the many pokémon available, even as he knew which one he would pick.

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Dark Growlithe - Chapter 20

Then i'll also be a fire-type like you. what do you think?" "a flareon?" questioned dark growlithe, the mention of flareons after bringing up ninetales caught him off-guard and in the past.

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