Dark Growlithe - Chapter 20

Story by Rakuen Growlithe on SoFurry

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#21 of Dark Growlithe

Continuation of Dark Growlithe

Chapter** 20**

Ninetales had followed up on her only lead as to the location of Dark Growlithe and it had proven to be a dead end. She had gone to the vaporeon pack that had been sheltering Dark Growlithe after he left her pack but he'd left with an eevee on her quest to officially earn an evolution and right to join a pack. She'd had a conflict with the vaporeon and, as she was in a situation she couldn't win, had given up Bandit to his old pack for safe passage. Bandit was soon to be tried for his crimes against his pack and Ninetales had sent as many pokémon as she dared to find Dark Growlithe. At the moment Dark Growlithe was completely unaware of all these proceedings but they would soon become a painful reality in the special growlithe's life.


"How's your leg?" asked Cream.

"It's barely hurting at all," answered Dark Growlithe happily.

"That's good," sighed Cream. "It means you're almost totally healed."

Cream and Dark Growlithe had spent almost the entire day travelling and had just finished their supper, provided by Cream.

"I wonder how the others are," mused Dark Growlithe. "Do you think everyone's okay?"

"They should be," answered Cream. "After we're done with my quest we should go find them. See how their lives have been so far."

"It seems like we've been gone so long," stated Dark Growlithe, "but it's really only been a week or two. It's funny how time passes."

"It's because we were so used to everyone always being there. Now that we're alone time seems to pass so slowly that it seems longer than it has been."

Dark Growlithe gave her an odd look.

"What?" she asked, noticing his expression.

"When did you think up all that?"

"Only now that you brought the topic up," she blushed.

"Who knew you were such a philosopher?"

"I'm not," protested Cream lightly, "One thought doesn't make you a philosopher."

She moved his forepaws till they made a nice bed and curled up between them.

"You've changed a lot since we first met," noted Dark Growlithe, "Back then you'd barely talk to me because you were so nervous. Now you just push me around until you're comfortable."

Cream giggled slightly, "You've changed too. You used to just treat me like a little kit. Now you're cuddling with a pupil. What kind of behaviour is that for a teacher?"

"I was depressed then and I didn't know that the cutest eevee in the world loved me. Anyway, you're not my pupil any more, we can do whatever we like and no one will complain."

"Just hold me," asked Cream. "When I evolve I'll be too big to do this."

Dark Growlithe happily held Cream, nuzzling into the soft fur of her neck to gently nibble at her skin.

"Have you decided what you want to become?" he asked after a little while.

Cream shook her head, "Is there anything you want me to be?"

"Just happy," replied Dark Growlithe. "As long as you're happy I'll be happy."

He laid his head on Cream and closed his eyes.

"Thanks," she whispered and closed her eyes to sleep as well.


Cream left Dark Growlithe where they'd spent the night, in a hollow under a bush, to catch some breakfast before they continued their search for the old jolteon. She stalked through the undergrowth of the jungle until she spied a possible prey, a lone spearow pecking at some seeds it'd found on the ground. She got closer and closer, managing to avoid detection until she was in striking distance. Cream measured the distances then sprung. At almost the same instant, from the other side of the spearow, sprung an old jolteon. Cream and the jolteon would have collided unless they pulled aside; as it was they only just avoided a nasty collision. In the confusion the spearow took flight yelling curses at them as he fled.

"What are you doing?" demanded the jolteon, "That was my prey!"

"I didn't know," countered Cream, "I saw it and went for it."

"That's bad manners," growled the jolteon, "You should leave your elders alone."

"I didn't know you there!"

"Of course not," snorted the jolteon, "I was hiding. What good would it be if I was seen? I'd have starved long before now."

"But then you can't blame me," complained Cream, "I didn't know it was your prey."

"Well now you do. You owe me an apology."

Cream was getting extremely frustrated with being blamed for something she had no control over but then she realised this old jolteon could be the very one she was searching for. If it was then it would be a good idea to keep him happy. Or at least make sure he didn't hate her. Cream took a deep breath and sighed.

"You know what," she said, "you're absolutely right. I'm sorry I lost you your prey. It's just that I'm new here and I needed food. I hope you'll forgive me."

The jolteon snorted again.

"At least you apologised. Don't find manners much these days. Young whippersnappers are also rushing around, not heeding the rules and spreading general anarchy wherever they go. You don't do that do you?" asked the jolteon, eyeing her harshly.

"No, sir," answered Cream politely. "I don't do any of that."

"Hard to believe but I'll take your word for it...for the moment. I'm Jules. What's your name?"

"Cream," answered Cream, "Um...are you-"

"If you're from Steam's pack then, yes I'm the jolteon you're looking for."

"That's a relief."

"You'll have to beat me in a battle to get the password."

"I know, but I don't think now is a good time," said Cream, hoping Jules didn't want her to battle him immediately.

"You're right. We should wait a bit. You can stay with me until you beat me, unless you've got somewhere else to stay."

"I'll stay with you, as long as my boyfriend can stay too."

The jolteon raised his eyebrows curiously.

"Your boyfriend's with you on your quest?"

Cream nodded.

"You two do know that he's forbidden from assisting you in the battle."

"We know," replied Cream, "He won't do anything like that."

"That's good. Let's get your boyfriend and go back to my home. There are berries you can eat there. I just prefer a bit of meat every now and then."

Cream led Jules to Dark Growlithe, answering his questions about what was happening with the five packs and all that she'd seen on her trip until she met up with Jules.


Cream and Dark Growlithe spent the day with Jules, talking about many things. Jules offered to get supper and left Dark Growlithe and Cream alone.

"He'll be tough to beat," observed Dark Growlithe. "He's still able to fight well. You're going to have a tough time."

"I know," replied Cream, "but I think if I move around enough it will be hard for him to follow. Even if he's still good he'll have slowed down."

"I hope so. Don't forget he also has elemental and long range abilities," warned Dark Growlithe. "You must be careful. I don't want you to get hurt."

"I'll be alright. It'll be just like the training battles with you."

"I hope you're right. When'll you fight him?"

"I'll fight tomorrow."

Dark Growlithe nodded, "Good luck. I know you can do it."


"This is that cur's scent!" snarled a VS vulpix, referring to Dark Growlithe.

"How can you be sure?" the second vulpix standing with her, "This trail's a few days old."

"I'll never forget his stench. He broke out one of my teeth when he left. I still owe him for that. I won't lose his trail. He's in the damn jungle. Let's go."

The two vulpix broke into a run and disappeared, hidden by the green foliage.


"Are you sure you want to challenge me so soon?" asked Jules.

"I'm sure," answered Cream. "Let's battle."

"Very well. Dark Growlithe, you're forbidden from interfering with this battle. Cream, if you beat me then I will give you the password you require. Until that time however it will remain my secret."

"Okay. We know," bristled Cream impatiently.

She was nervous and all worked up, focused only on the impending fight.

"Then let's begin!"

Cream dodged to the side immediately as just after the commencement of the fight Jules let rip with a thunderbolt attack. The yellow lightning tore through the ground on its path to where Cream had been standing, tossing up sods of earth. Cream had to get close to attack so as she circled around Jules she narrowed her circle so that each step brought her closer and closer to her target. Jules instantly picked up on her strategy and moved to intercept her. He spun and lunged, his needle-like fur shooting before Cream, forcing to her to stop short. Jules had been planning to get her with his needles so had aimed his tackle too far forward. Cream then pushed off colliding with Jules' side and knocking the older pokémon down. Jules sent a few sparks out of his body, driving Cream back so that he was able to get up. Cream began to circle again but this time Jules stood still. Electrical energy began to build up in him and soon the crackles could be heard in the surrounding air.

"Cream! Get away!" shouted Dark Growlithe in warning.

Cream began to make for cover, kicking up a small amount of sand behind her to cover her path.

"Too slow!" declared Jules, firing a series of bolts at Cream.

A couple of the shots missed but two struck Cream. The electricity coursed through her body and flung her forward, causing her to disappear in a bush. Dark Growlithe struggled to suppress his instinct to see how she was but managed to stay where he was.

Cream grimaced. The attack had been strong. She could feel her muscles had been partially paralysed by the attack but she was, luckily, still able to move. She pulled herself up and thought of a new strategy. She decided to try attacking as quickly as possible.

Jules stared at the bush where Cream had vanished. He was breathing rather heavily. He knew he'd hit Cream at least twice and he hoped she'd give up. His attacks still had power despite his age but he was lacking stamina. If Cream could keep going he knew he'd be in trouble, although his lightning attacks were still a major advantage.

Cream shot out of the bushes, straining her stiff muscles with her quick attack. Jules saw her coming and used his agility, his image blurred as he began to move at speeds unattainable with a mere quick attack. Jules ignored his joints' complaints as he swung around Cream to attempt a high-speed tackle. Dark Growlithe watched, barely able to keep up with Jules' movement, worried for Cream's safety. Cream had been amazed at Jules' speed but took a wild guess where he'd attack from and used tail wag in that direction. Jules tackled Cream but her tail was between their bodies, absorbing some of the attack with its thick fur. Cream and Jules bounced apart. Cream recovered faster than Jules rising to her feet and charging a second time. Jules rose slower, his joints aching after using his agility and putting them through so much strain. Cream struck Jules just as he'd gotten to his feet and stayed on him, holding him down and carefully grabbing his throat. Jules was sore and gasping for breath, on top of him he could feel Cream's heart beating rapidly in her chest, her own breaths flowing over his neck that was securely held in her jaws.

"You win," declared Jules. "Congratulations."

Cream moved off him, practically collapsing from exhaustion when Dark Growlithe run up to them and play-tackled her, covering her face with joyful licks.

"You won!" he cried out happily. "I knew you could do it!"

"No... problem..." panted Cream.


Once Cream and Jules had both recovered, Jules told Cream the password she needed to pass her Evolution Exam and bid them farewell. Cream and Dark Growlithe began to head back along the long path to the vaporeon pack. On the second night they stopped and the conversation turned back to Cream's evolution.

"So you still don't know what you're going to become do you?" asked Dark Growlithe, "You'll need to decide soon won't you?"

"I can stay an eevee and decide later but then I still won't be a proper member of a pack."

"Kitten's going to become a jolteon isn't she?"

"That's what she told me when we last saw each other," confirmed Cream, "but I don't really want to be a jolteon."

"And what's Bramble going to become?"

"Probably a vaporeon. He likes the water and I've never heard him mention becoming something else."

"You could become a vaporeon, you already know everyone there."

"Maybe I should. That way if I ever meet Ninetales I can punish her for what she put you through," snarled Cream.

"You don't want to ever meet her!" disagreed Dark Growlithe. "Never!"

"I won't go looking for her," said Cream softly, seeing how much it had actually unnerved Dark Growlithe. "Maybe I'll become a flareon. Then I'll also be a fire-type like you. What do you think?"

"A flareon?" questioned Dark Growlithe, the mention of flareons after bringing up Ninetales caught him off-guard and in the past.

Dark __Growlithe_ sped forward and opened his jaws. Flareon made no attempt to save himself as Dark Growlithe_'_s teeth closed around his throat. Dark Growlithe_'s __mouth_ snapped together, his teeth tearing through Flareon_'s __flesh._ Warm blood flowed into Dark Growlithe_'_s mouth as he severed Flareon_'s __arteries_ and veins. He drank down the hot liquid, tasting the sweet blood. He pulled his head back and ripped out Flareon_'s __throat._ Flareon to the ground, his eyes rolled back in his head and his body twitched._

"Yes. I could join Firedancer's pack," said Cream, unintentionally bringing the memories of Bandit to the surface.

He __looked_ behind him to see a nervous looking Bandit, blood caking his muzzle and even more blood splattered over his face, chest and legs. Dark Growlithe and Cream just stared in shock._ "What __did_ you do?_"_asked Dark Growlithe finally in_ _a suspicious_tone. Cream __moved_ off Dark Growlithe and he stood to face Bandit, not trusting the eevee at the best of times and certainly not when his fur was sticky with blood and he didn_'t __have_ any visible injuries._ "I __killed_ that stupid flareon_'s __daughter,"proclaimed_ Bandit_proudly. "You __killed_ Dawn!"_exclaimed __Dark_ Growlithe in shock,"_You're __a_ monster!_"

"No!" exclaimed Dark Growlithe as the horrible memories writhed to life in his mind.

"What is it?" asked Cream. "You're trembling. Are you alright?"

"I'll...I'll be fine," answered Dark Growlithe, trying to suppress the darkness.

Cream didn't look like she believed him but couldn't force him to tell her what was wrong.

"Come lie with me," she said.

Dark Growlithe did as she said almost in a daze. Cream lay up against him, shocked at how fast his heart was beating. Scared for him, she took a while to fall asleep.


When Cream was sound asleep Dark Growlithe got up and walked off a short distance. Not too far but with a sufficient space not to wake Cream as he cried as he remembered all the bad that followed him through his short life. Ninetales had saved him only so he could father her children. He'd killed many pokémon just because he'd trusted Ninetales and believed that what she'd said was the truth. Even his happiness with the vaporeon pack had been marred by Bandit's torments and brutal murders.

"Will I ever be free of it?" he wondered aloud.

There was no answer he could think of.


"How're we going to bring him back to Ninetales?" asked the second vulpix. "He's too strong for us."

"Show some ingenuity. He obviously favours that eevee he's with. He followed her away from the vaporeon pack. If we take her, he'll follow."

"Then let's take her while he's away and she's asleep," said the second vulpix.

The two vulpix, who'd scoured the land as fast as possible on Ninetales orders, moved down to Cream. The first one left a scent mark for Dark Growlithe to know exactly who had taken Cream then the two vulpix woke Cream. Before the startled eevee was able to cry for help the first vulpix blasted her with a confuse ray. As Cream was so tired, it worked perfectly. Unaware of what was going on Cream obediently followed the two vulpix away.