D.E1 Crossover - Chapter Seven

"Understand that you are in my ship, Yukiomaru and you must reply to whatever I ask of you." Silver said, making a huge effort not to raise her tone at the little alien. The little alien's ear twitched, betraying his dissatisfaction with the Silver's...

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D.E1 Crossover - Chapter Four

He loosened his grip and sat up before kneeling behind the arctic fox, wrapping his arms around his shoulders and holding the little canideran tightly. yukiomaru didn't oppose any resistance and accepted the embrace.

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Blood on Ice - Chapter Sixteen

"Port starboard side!" a loud voice echoed down into the kitchen. "All hands on deck! Prepare for port!" In the kitchen, it was quiet because I was alone preparing the later afternoon meal for the Commander Mika. The voice rallied the sailors...

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Story of my Life Ch3

The arctic fox's light, tenor voice said, making my fur prickle and ears perk and tail wag. fuck! get yourself under control, marcus! "you know, you can walk with us up hear. i promise i don't bite."

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Little Talks Chapter 4

Close Your Eyes The office I was seated in felt as ridiculous as it looked. Leave it to my mother to want to play mind games. Despite no lack in the overall air of authority she generally held, as the head of the neurology department in the humble...

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The Gate-Way Revisited: Chapter 1 A Bond Strengthened

He laughed as he watched matt; the arctic fox was hopping around on one foot trying to get his pants off, as his shirt hug from his ear.

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Twenty-Four

The fox had wondered what the reason for the feeling was but he could not forgive kazamde for what he did to the arctic fox. he knew what he had to do but still, he felt uneasy when stabbed the spear through kazamde's throat.

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Twenty

Jun noticed the arctic fox closing his eyes when tang started to talk about their home. that city was never yukiomaru's home and neither was the training facilities he grew up at. yukiomaru never had a home.

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The Banished Wars - Volume Three

One individual that had signed up was named sky sterling, an arctic fox that had grown up on fellorian. his excellence in the military academy on fellorian had landed sky sterling into one of the most prized military academies on lutracha.

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Rogue Wind - The Four Cities

**The Four Cities** If ever you had a conversation with a citizen of Arlithian they would probably give you the impression that the four cities of Arlithian was a massive place. And if ever you were to visit you would perhaps still be...

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First Time for Everything Duel

This story is about a black planther twenty years of age and loves to duel. And that panther is me Spencer Jock the writer of the Enigma Story series. I've always wanted to write a Yu-Gi-Oh story now here's my chance. For those who don't know about it....

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The Golden One pt 3

Well on his way to begin his new life with his uncle Skra, Matthias began to think of the girl he saw in the river. Was that all real? Overwhelmed with a great sense of anxiety, he looked toward the passing forest, hoping to find even an inkling of...

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