When the end comes a beginning starts (end to the end times part 1)

His wolven ear perked as he herd feet running, he actually missed someone, of course the complete extinction with no survivors for the planet was up to his brother, death but he wasn't about to start slacking now.

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 36

The way mother painted old wolven symbols on their swollen bellies with the blood of a pregnant doe, muttering her prayers. the way she'd tilt their heads up, supporting them by the neck to give them their medicine. sometimes that was enough.

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The Mourning After - Chapter 8 (Moving On)

This was a hive of wolven activity, their camp had to be here! i could smell the faint scent of fire and cooking meat. we were getting close. we needed to remain hidden for as long as possible.

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Ander - Chapter 8, Subchapter 5

Back on the eastern side, kiana was practically drowning in a sea of wolven kids, all of whom couldn't stop staring at her stomach. "so there's a baby in there?"

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Kathrin's Specialty Outfitters: part 2

In particular her opinion on how the wolven nobility would react could be crucial. there was a long moment of silence while clovis brought her hand up to her chin in thoughtful consideration while she examined the sketch.

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A Mission

Not a single detail escaped my wolven eyes. after deciding that no suitable cover was around i got to work creating some. carefully digging under the snow, i started on the masterpiece that would be my shelter for the night.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 127

The way mother painted old wolven symbols on their swollen bellies with the blood of a pregnant doe, muttering her prayers. the way she'd tilt their heads up, supporting them by the neck to give them their medicine. sometimes that was enough.

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Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 9

"gemagtige berg hor mi gebede..." she chanted in the ancient wolven tongue, bringing the bowl up to her face and breathing deeply of its earthy aroma. "dar is grote moi lik heda, en ek weet ni wat om te doon ni.

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Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 8

They touched down randomly, only to be stamped out by wolven feet or buried under scooped handfuls of sand, and even this natural thing spoke to kadai of his different son, always so different.

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A Dance To Remember

Or our wolven friend here?" her smirk made me flush again, and i avoided her gaze without answering. just as i was about to break the awkward silence that followed, my phone buzzed.

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He landed in a flurry of snow with a yelp and scrambled to his feet unharmed with his wolven tail held securely between his legs. they all watched him sprint to the door and press his unsteady finger across a keypad imbedded into the wall.

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A Hard day and night

The wolven royal family traded their" his dusty librarian of a tutor droned on about the history of his family as david reclined in the simple wooden chair awaiting his upcoming training session. the wolf sighed in his boredom.

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