More to Chu on
Feeling tired, he sat down and grabbed his phone, looking for means to help with exercise without getting too caloric or fattening.
After the war: A rough journey
His arms were so tired he could barely move them. he tired moving to embrace cynder again but his arms just wouldn't respond. "cynder... can you move your arms?
Two Hearts, One Love (Pokemon): Part 1 - A Tormented Beauty
#1 of two hearts, one love hello, i'm back with a story and i'm tired. im sorry i guess i m always guys, you know what i mean. and plus. this is actually kyurex, or at least in the same universe ^^ but 20000 years ahead.
Garage Visit
He craned his head back, watching as the lager rear tire formed as his feet melted away into metal and rubber.
Chapter Three - One Step Toward Death, Two Step Toward New Life
I can't feel my own body or at least my soul move when i told them to, because every move that i make made me tired without reason. even thinking makes me tired as well. ‘oh well, since i'm so tired maybe i better hit some hay.
Chapter 19: Too Much Truth to Handle
"i'm tired of being a burden to you!" wynn said earnestly. "i'm tired of h-hurting everyone! you're better off without me --" "no," said kilyan at once. "you're not going and that's final." "i'm going, dad," wynn said firmly.
My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 27
Then i saw toshi coming by with a tired face. guess i'm not the only one. "hey guys," he yawned, "how's it going?" he looks at me with tired but still resisting eyes. "toshi-san, you don't look so good." i said. "i'm fine, i'm still recovering."
The Egg Laying of Mrs. Easter Bunny - Chapter 3
Laying all those eggs, i'm sure to get tired."
Reconnect Part IV
You were pretty tired when i took over." "still am," he sighed. unspoken was the belief that he would _stay_ tired for a while yet; the worst was yet to come. he looked at her in the dim cabin of the car, ruby red eyes meeting cool blue.
You Can't Hide It Forever - Part 6
With the scream of tires and brakes, the bmw hit the gravel and spun out of control, kicking up dirt and grass as it slid into the grass beside the onramp.
Zootopia:Guardian Spirits Chapter 1
I'm...sleepy." well let's get going before you pass out and have to carry you."
Tropical Revised - Chapter Ten
"morning sleepy otter," said rye gently, looking down at cloud. the sleepy otter blinked a few times before smiling up at him. "now don't you two look adorable," remarked nate, drawing the attention of both otters he was mocking.