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#7 of Stories
A little Raichu TF story i wrote for myself when i was feeling down. May or may not be planning a pic to go with it XD
Another day, another work out session; Daniel wanted to keep fit for the new year and heading to his local gym was the best way to do it. His sessions involved cardio for thirty minutes each day and some muscle workouts to keep them fit for his cardio, such as jackknife and lunge. The only thing is that Daniel has been out of shape, so he's been tired and sore as of late; water can only help him so much for hydration. Feeling tired, he sat down and grabbed his phone, looking for means to help with exercise without getting too caloric or fattening.
"Bleh, energy bars usually taste like garbage and nutritional shakes would make good supplements for meals, but just pricey. I got to find something more cost effective that isn't going to suck."
It wasn't until he stumbled upon what looked to be a new brand of energy bars. He never heard of the brand before, so he was quite skeptical, though numerous reviews made it sound like it was worth a shot. The bar in question was called the electric charger; said to give you energy and restore electrolytes quickly to your body, giving you more time to work out; lemon flavored too, and fairly cheap for the bar. Figuring it wouldn't hurt, Daniel made an order for a set of bars to ship to his house.
A few days went by, and Daniel was completely sore almost all over his body. He wasn't sure if he should work out on account he could strain his muscles too much, and the bars hadn't arrived yet for him to digest to at least try out. At that point, he had to cut his workout short and stop; there was no way in his condition he could continue working out without hurting himself. Getting off the treadmill, he walked back to the house to see a package at the door. Leaning down, he saw the company name; it was the bars! They must've arrived while he was working out. Excited, Daniel picked up the package and took it inside; anxious to see how these would work.
Once in, he pulled out a box cutter and opened it up; the bars inside were laying in there with his receipt from the company. In it were specific daily intakes for the bars so he wouldn't take too many. Setting that down, he grabbed up a bar and opened it up, noting how it looked like any other protein bar.
He thought to himself: Please let this not taste like shit, and took a bite. Chewing it slowly, it didn't actually taste that bad, and even had a nice citrus flavor to it. Once he finished munching on the piece of bar, he just felt good and just about ready to get back to working out; it was jarring how fast he felt energized again! He took the half eaten bar with him and went straight back to the gym, feeling the need to burn this new found energy.
Sometime later, he still wasn't tired, and it was odd; Daniel had been at the gym for a little close to an hour, and didn't realize it.
"What time is it?" It was then he looked at his watch. "Oh shit! I ought to stop before I cramp myself." It was odd; he should've known he was at the gym there for some time. Maybe he lost focus? He was daydreaming after all. "I've never been this distracted before. Guess the bar got me a little sugar high." Taking a look at the nutritional facts though proved otherwise. "Huh? 1g of sugar? That doesn't seem possible; I could've sworn it had more." It just seemed really weird considering how flavorful the bar was and how much energy it gave him. Usually, you get one or the other; not both.
Daniel was soon feeling a bit tired; perhaps the energy was simply a temporary effect from the bar. He finished up his exercise and went back home; resting on his bed from the workout. Strangely, he must've collected some static as his bed sheet kept sticking to him. "Bleh, now I have to wash the sheets. A good shower ought to do the trick for the static, plus I need to get clean."
Once he got the sheets off of him, Daniel walked on over to his bathroom and took a shower. As he did, he didn't realize some patches of orange fur were growing on his back and white on his front. The fur continued growing along his body, causing him to feel itchy while his hands grew brown fur on them, not changing all too much, aside from growing some small claws. It wasn't until he reached a hand to the shampoo that he noticed the changes. "What the!?" His hand looked alien to him, and he jumped out of the shower to check the mirror.
Upon looking at his reflection, Daniel noticed his body was still growing fur, having covered his chest and back while his other arm was now growing the fur and claws. It also felt incredibly itchy for some reason, and he began scratching at himself, not noticing his ears were growing larger and taking on a curved shape, as well as growing brown fur and yellow on the inside. Once relieved of his itch, he then saw his ears, and panicked once more.
"What the hell could've caused this? Was it those energy bars?" He got on some underwear and shorts and ran out to check the contents of the bar. Upon reading the packaging though, there was no indication of any side effects, and he was rather flabbergasted. It was then he realized he was discharging electricity from his cheeks, as fur had covered his face a little to show two yellow spots on his face. He decided to go back to his room and try to calm down, seeing if the changes would either stop or slow down altogether.
Daniel got on his bed and took deep breaths, doing his best to calm down from the situation. While he felt more relaxed, he didn't realize that the changes weren't slowing down. His nose darkened and turned wet and leathery, albeit small. It twitched around as it pushed out a little, giving him a small like muzzle; his two front teeth growing out almost like a rodent's. Upon touching his face, Daniel frowned a little; the changes weren't going to stop, and it was then he felt a slight discomfort in his backside as a nub pushed against his shorts. He lowered them a little to reveal his growing tail, getting rather long as it covered in black fur as it's tip grew a lightning bolt shape while growing yellow fur. He suddenly realized what he was turning into.
"Raichu? I thought they weren't real. Why am I turning into a fictional creature; a pokemon no less?"
The final changes were taking hold as the fur fully enveloped his feet, also taking a brown coloration as his toes merged and his feet grew out, growing longer as his heels pulled back and his legs reshaped, causing him some discomfort as his legs took on a digitigrade form. Daniel was officially left as an anthro Raichu, and was rather confused as well.
He got up and tried taking a few steps, wobbling a bit on his new legs. "This might take some getting used to, but how am I going to explain this to my family and work?" It was a strange predicament too; Daniel was now something that would stand out rather uncomfortably. Then, his phone buzzed; a text had come through. Upon checking, it was a friend of his telling him to check the news. Wobbling over to his couch, he turned on the TV and took a look at what was going on. It had seemed that he wasn't the only one who changed, as it seems multiple people have gotten the same side effects from the bar.
" least I won't be alone on this. Still, I feel like I got more energy to burn, and way too many bars to eat." He wasn't sure if it was permanent, but knowing he wouldn't be alone gave him some comfort. Daniel then walked back to his room, and flopped on his bed; taking a much needed nap after today's events.