Beyond The Spectrum: Chapter 2: The Meeting(That changed my life)
As i made it to the clearing, the creature was about to escape into the forest, away from my gratitude; that's when i found the last tentacle. "wait!"
The childhood part 3
He took one of his tentacle like arms out in front of me and kept it there. "in this world," he spoke, and his tentacle began to grow light on it! "magic exists! and for most of our offensive magic attacks, they have magic words to them.
The needles, which were actually sharp tentacle-like things, slithered in three different directions. the pain was unreal as his skin was ripped from his badly where the metal tentacles went. he howled, then yelped, them whimpered and screamed.
Zippy Zipperdale--Moderately Mad Scientist: The Thrid Experiment
Zippy sat cross legged with her back against the glass, jetson sitting happily in her lap, moving his tentacles contentedly while zippy affectionately stroked his cone.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 8
He barked out, stench of burnt fur filling the hall, the medallion began to sizzle his flesh he set an arrow loose, it impaled the tentacle with a rattling sound of a wooden spear piercing a bark. did he miss?
Final fantasy: darkening fate-chapter 1: the ensnaring fate
He couldn't see the source but a glowing tentacle suddenly shot at him and jabbed his chest right over his heart. zero fainted and dreamed. to be continued in chapter 2
Pure Imagination (Illustrated by Angel27)
Intense integrations, he struck a cross-armed pose, peering at his posterior from over his shoulder, expecting to see a smooth serpentine spine.. but was surprised to instead see a sexy reptilian rump, still sitting at the bottom of his torso while his two 'tentacles
A Bookworm's First Love Ch.10
It moved and wriggled like small tentacles and grew larger until it was as tall as my knees. they kind of looked like strands of hair. i dropped the papers and did not watch as they fluttered to the ground, scattered everywhere.
Form Popstars To Pesky Theives (Squid Sisters To Bonanza Bros TG)
Years old , , i wear a straw boater and a logo aloha shirt , i even also wear strapping whites , my favorite weapon is the slosher , i'm level 45 and s ranked , but one day when i went to inkopolis the news pop up callie: hold on to your tentacles
The summary of the Gyetkti Floating Cattle by Professor Marlo Trotsky
Their basic body shape tends to be round and somewhat dome shaped with several grasping tentacles radiating from the mouth in the middle of the dome.
War Hound Chapter 4
Creating a tentacle it inserts it into the lock and it conforms and hardens and with the turn on the 'key' the door opens and midnight slips inside and uses its tail like the tentalce and closes the door.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book V Chapter 2
That ominous union gave birth to an even more intimidating being, the slithery black tentacles started to form a scarred draconic body she so very well remembered but wished she would not.