Baxley and The Black Paw Chapter 1
The squad jogged down the street and then turned right, towards the direction of the rebel forces. baxley was scanning the buildings surrounding them for any signs of an ambush. nick led them down a couple streets and alleys.
Leviathan 05: Revolution Calling
The next turn puts nico on a street filled with warehouses, the sparse silhouetted dots of strangers in the night all milling toward one about halfway down the street.
The City of Lost Heaven: Chapter 24
Perhaps an employee acting strange or needy or any unusual customers hanging around the shop or on the street. he says he does and indicates an arcade down the street.
Breaking the Mold - Ch 3
The next street was pears, then bananas, then sweet red strawberries. this was crazy, why did every street have to smell so delicious, his stomach was growling as he forced himself to walk past the strawberries and on to the next street.
Going West
The very shadows itself pooled through the streets, the lanterns of houses and street lamps providing what light they could. many slept, many dreamed, but others remained awake and eyeing the streets.
Kami no kokoro-prologe
The monster said as he runs up to them as his claws drag on the street floor and lifts them up for a slash.
A Stranger in Suburbia (An Interactive Story) - Prologue (11)
._ _the streets are occupied by the occasional pedestrian. the breeze dances through the void that keeps them apart, dancing, whispering, caressing you as the clouds part in the horizon.
Invane: Misaim Fire
I put the distance between myself and them as i raced across the streets, ignoring the details that were to my right. for so far, the street was empty. brown boxes were scattered all over the sidewalk. some of which entered onto the street.
Frost - Prologue
'maybe xero won't notice...' he thought as he made his way faster through the labyrinth of streets and alleys.
Merlin's Revenge Chapter 24
Cars sat in the middle of the streets unmoving, oh so similar to so many end of the world movies and shows. but there was a difference.
Downtown Skirmish
The dead littered the street; some civilians, some military personnel, and even some lifeless russian soldiers.
The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Thirty Eight
But that didn't stop her from prancing and leaping all across the street now, either. there had to be a logical explanation.