Executive decisions Chapter 2

It was a city skyline silhouette from an apocalypse movie. around him, demons and minions and imps chittered and chattered and pointed. succubi huddled and whispered in high-pitched tones. "you!" peregrin barked at the group, "tell me what happened."

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And from my open window, my poor eyes can still make out the silhouette of new york city's skyline several miles away on the blue horizon. i taste the whiff of cigarette smoke from someone on their break.

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The Necklace (Anthro Dragon TF/TG)

Inside the chest was a necklace with a blue pearl and black dragon silhouette on it. a wide smile formed across keith's face as he held it in his hands. to avoid it falling out of his pocket, he wrapped it around his neck and put it on.

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Zombiology - Orca

He came across one such trap as he spotted what looked to be the silhouette of a lazy seal bobbing in the water. swiftly he darted closer, ready to snap up his unsuspecting meal if he truly was fortunate enough to have found one.

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Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 15

Danado knew it was him because no other wolf's silhouette was as fat as his, and standing next to him was hyker, another wolf with an unmistakable silhouette because of the missing ear.

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Tropical Revised - Chapter Seven

The lights remained off but one of the moons was shining brightly through the tall windows, giving a silver lining to the silhouettes of everything inside the apartment.

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The Cerebral Corporate Cortex

"agent herring, i presume." it called out causing the skunk to spin away from his vehicle, noting a silhouette by the nearby pillar, a trail of smoke coming from a cigarette lit in the mouth of the stranger.

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A Healer with a Home(A Healer Alone part 2)

From the ground as i saw a silhouette of another fox enter through the opening. i could vaguely hear the yells as the new fox verbally berated them.

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Third Text: The Darkest Cloud

Angel looked to the chow tower; in that moment it was just a silhouette. "we were almost on the top" lucky laughed softly remembering. "i'm glad the grass is soft here. "it is" angel confirmed.

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{The Conquest} - Chapter 1 - Strength Amidst the Chaos

A dark cackle resounded as a female silhouette walked over and gazed upon the peaceful province of li. her grin expanding from ear to ear, she was joined by a couple of masked men.

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A Friend's Wish Chapter 5: "The Green-haired Trainer"

And there are two visible figures in the dust cloud, a bird and a snake-like silhouette, as i felt my heart beat faster as both figures struggle to stand upright one of the silhouettes dropped to the ground.


The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 22

The detail that drew his attention to this strange silhouette that seemed to limp awkwardly was its loneliness.

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