Crumbled Crane

"i used to think that way too, until i became the shaman," i smile as i lean against the tabletop,"there was only one person that saw past that title." my tail twitches in excitement just thinking about him too.

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MTG: Aqalax

The shamans and warriors of the sha have valiantly faced against the wi hordes, but the same tactics that confused phyrexians do not seem to be working on them.

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Raven Wolf - Book 05 - Chapter 02

"i wouldn't have such a problem if your shaman would not have stuck me with such an air headed order." eleven explains, achak is not as foolish as he often displays himself to be.

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The Real Amazonian - Chapter 1: Life without Freedom

She ran around the pit and at the goblin shaman, ramming it with the shield before bringing down her short sword in a back hand slice, decapitating the shaman's head cleanly.

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Saving the Lost

One of the village elders, a tribal shaman had wondered over, setting and chatting a bit as he watching this big cat who talked and worked as a human.

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The Three Kingdoms - Chapter One

The shaman looked around and dashed down a corridor, making a turn and running right into draconis, who stumbled back a bit. "ah, sire, there you are. i need to ask you something."


Splintered Light, Chapter 6.3: Oani Hama

"shamans." the dog nodded. "yeah-- them. anyway, he said that your shahmens do lots of rituals and magic and stuff... is that true?" the simple view mr. lews had of his people was almost humorous... almost. "maybe."

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Saving the lost..

One of the village elders, a tribal shaman had wondered over, setting and chatting a bit as he watching this big cat who talked and worked as a human.

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Wind of Change: Chapter 3

It sounds like a shamanic spirit wolf from the arnuka werewolves. but one thing i can say is maybe that your husband has been accepted as a lycan himself."

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Raven Wolf - Book 03 - Chapter 11

"leaving the village is how my father died and stuck me with his stupid position as shaman. i just don't see me fairing any better than him." shiya doesn't seem too worried about achak.

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Story and profile of Terryn<3

++story++ terryn was birthed by a shaman, a seer of the tribe he was born into. she knew that the child would be special, and powerful, but that he would possibly be evil as well, though she kept this to herself.

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The crystall skull - Short background history

The local defences, aided by the hyena tribes shamans managed to repel the invasion, though not without major casualties.

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