OC: Zoya Markov

He began drinking and gambling in underground casinos run by the white star brotherhood, a group of russian old-school communist mobsters that have ties to various trafficking operations across siberia and eastern europe, amassing a debt equivalent to

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the unatural kid chapter1: fast reflexs

He has a cross tatoo on his left arm and a russian star on his right arm. we do know where he lives. he lives on this street. the cop hand me the peiece of paper troll st. 567. i look back up. "why are you telling me this for?"

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Life Here After { Time March } [ Prolouge to the next chapter ]

Unable to land any sizable forces on russian territory the aeons resorted to sea and air attacks were they could continually pound the forces that held them back. the beasts not involved in the war continued to populate and forge societies.

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A Dragon's Tale: The Star's Journey- Chapter 22- Range Time

"there is one in russia", kaslur said, "underneath a base built on top of a frozen mountain, which is being used by the russian air force." "that's a recipe for disaster", hudson sighed, "next?"

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A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 1-In The Begining

"hate to break up the reunion,issac shouted,but there's a russian hind out here!" the hind opened up on the barge,shredding the back end like paper. "what the hell are the russians doing here",hudson shouted. "trying to kill us,does it matter?"

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Heavy Metal Poisoning

I've managed to sign papers with the government of the russian empire. it seems they're not happy with czarist russian lines. poland seems to be appetizing. they'll need every body they can get."

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Has To Be Done

Josef said in his thick russian accent. "oh before i forget." josef reached into his pocket and pulled out a cigar and offered it to the doctor. "this is nice of you, josef." the doctor said. "but why would you...no?"

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Calico Burana: ch.3 - Day at the Fest

With that announcement, he pulled the russian blue close by in a tight hug using his arm. he took a deep breath. "jonah and i are engaged. we're to be married next month."

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Mikel had been at his most content and happy as a cub back in russian digging around in the dirt and putting growing things in the holes that he made.

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Facts- archie is half american, 1/4th irish 1/4th english and 1/4th russian he has a more deeper sounding voice than most guys his favorite color is navy blue his last name valor means "great courage in the face of danger, especially in battle" he is left


Wylde Fyre - Chapter Fourteen

Sasha's rifle clacked dry, and the vixen swore in russian, ducking into cover and slinging the rifle over one shoulder.

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The Sleepover

Said joseph in russian tone.he showed them in and joseph went to go get them some towels.as he picked up the towels,he thought and put them down,he went back to the living room where krystal and rena had gotten comfortable on his couch.

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