So, the first Person to be introduced is Archie Bernard Jr.
For a visual idea he is a dog with snow white fur, with blue eyes he is fairly tall at 6ft and has a skinny but muscular body type (skinny but with some muscle definition) with his hair being in a bowl-cut shape but can appear if he tilts his head a certain way can go over his eyes or from certain perspectives.
Archie is the kind of person to be strict in most situations but can open up and be nice after a while, and he is that person to be working out in his spare time, he is also a bit Military Focused and extremely loyal. He wears a black shirt, brown cargo shorts, black boots with navy blue leggings he also wears a necklace in the shape of a military dog tag that has his name in it.
Backstory: Archie Bernard Jr was born on July 18th 1997, to Archie Valor and Brenda Taylor-Valor for most of his young live he had spent it living in the united states with his father and mother, and became the oldest sibling when Blake,Brenda Taylor-Valor,Matthew and Maggie Taylor-Valor were born (17,16,14 and 12 respectively). During High School he was participating in the junior air force program at his school, and wanted to go into the army to follow in his dad's footsteps but something happened. His Father and Mother started fighting and got a divorce of nearly spending 23 years with each other. During the divorce, his sisters went to live with his mother in the united kingdom leaving him Blake and Matthew in ohio in the united states, Archie was shocked and spent many days locked up in his room confused on what to do next after he graduated at the top of his class. Eventually he had met with his new friends and a new girlfriend Sophia Grant, a beautiful young otter girl, who loved spending time with him, and after some time they had married after they realised they were soulmates destined to meet.
Facts- Archie is half american, 1/4th irish 1/4th english and 1/4th russian He has a more deeper sounding voice than most guys His Favorite Color is Navy blue His last name Valor means "great courage in the face of danger, especially in battle" He is left handed He is extremely brave and confident, but does not have a big ego He Weighs 180 pounds He can bench 150 pounds, despite how small he looks His Father is 50 years old while his mom is 49 Sophia his wife is the same age and height as him He is straight but can have some bisexual tendencies around a few of his friends if drinking is in the equation. He can do a handstand, and can do one handed pushups. His Dad is a former Air Force pilot and a veteran. His IQ is 105 His Blood Type is O+ His Mom is a retired doctor. His Hair Style is inspired from numbuh 4 from codename: kids next door He keeps his room and everything he owns clean and in working order, he is also an amatrure mecanic and coder. In 18 years he sees himself being in the american military, with a few kids and his beautiful wife in a middle class home. He never missed a day of school,never been sick never gotten injured or broke a bone He is Extremely lucky, never having bad luck. He does not have any powers, but if he had any it would be his determination to get up and do anything that would be the most powerful. He is a Lawful good person He has very good handwriting