Dynasty: Origins, Act 01: Cryptic Illusions
"we have to search the upper city for more of these resilient types. take the evidence lucky and i found and hand it over to the commander as well." he pointed over to several objects piled up near the two arrested civilians.
Realms of Valeron - Chapter 9
The stave, named the 'journeyman's staff' was far stronger and more resilient than his old broken mace, and capable of channelling far more magic with its enchanted oak wood. as he approached the light he found himself at the mouth of a great cave.
Chasing the Sun - Chapter 21: Beating the Path
Max teased him almost all the time even when he didn't realise it, yet tom was still the personification of resilience. somehow, max felt glad about that.
The Cat's Stroll 17
A level four earthly warrior would already be starting to develop a resilient body. but when kyu cao landed, he still felt his legs tremble and go numb with a prickling tingle, requiring a moment to recuperate.
Sages of the Hidden Lights: Chapters 4-6
I was resilient to wake up and rise at first. the horn was just monotonous, meaningless humming, although it was quite loud and hurt my sensitive ears. my eyes could only muster the strength to open a slight margin before they fell back into place.
Ledyba's Story - Chapter Two
About what we'd usually expect; none of the fights today had any particularly strong or resilient fighters."
Children Chpt 10: Bloodied Soil
Bullets flew overhead, bouncing off of cibbie's now more resilient body as she slammed her weapon into her mother's gut, managing to knock her off of her feet and into the surrounding crowd of polaris.
Gilded Cage: Chapter 28 +29
The elder gryphon ruffled his feathers, "thanks to this _defiance_ you seem to exude, questions now circle about our stability and resilience.
Hoist The Colors
The little skunk showed no fear, appearing resilient in the face of the enemy even when an ugly lynx slapped him roughly across the face. then the raccoon was face to face with the giant.
Family Days 31
Mary scowled a little at the wolf's resilience--though to what she did not know. it wasn't like they didn't talk about this sort of stuff.
The Human Species Ch.21 - Swarmed Trainer Silver
"zubat are resilient" she said without batting an eye (so to speak), "besides, they're feeding. move close and you will most likely be their new target." "... wait, they all came from in there?"
An Evening to Forget
One is more resilient than that. but, just in case, hrvalye made himself look physically uncomfortable. he shifted in his seat and subtly reached for his stomach and patted it lightly. then he looked at the nuts with suspicion. just in case.