A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 51 (Inner Demons)

Using it's powerful legs the kyuubi leapt forwards and swiped at zaraki, who narrowly dodged the razor sharp claws and leapt from the wall into the open grassy fields that surrounded the fort.

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Tig on the Run

She was a little low and felt the sting as her back leg caught the razor wire as the crossed over it. she felt the blood running down her thigh. she landed off balance slinging him from her grasp.

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The adventures of Mark Steelheart: Wake-up Call

After a short battle between whether he should shave or not shave, he just sighed, grabbed his razor and started shaving. as he finished, tapping the razor on the side of the sink, he felt a presence behind him.

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Shattered into a thousand nice little pieces all of them fine and razor sharp. black and blue eyes to go along with a black and blue soul.


How Many?

How many times do we choke out those words while a razor is pressed up against our veins? how many times do we pretend they don't matter while numbing the pain with a bottle to our lips?

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The Acomplise

Blood thirsty eyes and a crooked smile showing his razor sharp teeth stared down at her a minute before grabbing her by the hair and dragging her to the dungeons whistling a tune of peace the irony was over welling because this being, this monster was not


Prolouge to Darkness

The gun began to evaporate, and an empty sleave rose from its side, pointing at the leader's face, a claw of razor fingers launched out and grabbed onto his head.


The king of love.poem

Then at high noon the razor drop. there where many tears she'd for you. king of love. the king of true love.

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Dangerous Enemy

Gripping his own blade tightly, he took off in a running start, the wind being sliced by the thin razor-edge, and brought his sword up.

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Lost in Hell

He picked up the razor, dragging his fingers across the blade one by one. the stinging filled his body, blood dripped down his paw. he liked the rust smell, the red of the blood. the blade moved to the forearms, parting the fur where the blade cut.

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A horseman’s chant

A dark red light begins to glow around her as she bends to pick up her weapon, a devastating whip with thousands of razor sharp blades that could render the toughest armor destroyed.

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Inside, I'm A Wolf

My fingernails cracking and growing out into razor sharp claws. once they were formed, i rubbed my paws over my furry chest, moaning in delight. the bones in my legs cracked.
