The Acomplise

Story by Polly25 on SoFurry

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this is a story about a man more beast than man and his acomplise i may write more on them but this is the death of his acomplise i dont elaborte on the torture im saving that for something else

My heartbeat pounded as I hid in the dark hoping not to be heard. I could hear his footsteps like an echo of doom searching and looking for it victim. This sick twisted game had not grown old for him all the years he played it. She knew she had witnessed it all an accomplice to his desire all for love. Now the tides were turned and she was the victim hiding in the shadows waiting for the inevitable, the torture that would last for hours. She'd scream until her throat gave out but it would be pointless because no one would hear her in his dungeon where his play things went to be killed without mercy. Just another soul lost in a game of cat and mouse. She holds her breathe as the footsteps stop outside the closet in which she is hidden. The door creaks open as the first of many screams tear from her throat his face a mask of horrors. Blood Thirsty eyes and a crooked smile showing his razor sharp teeth stared down at her a minute before grabbing her by the hair and dragging her to the dungeons whistling a tune of peace the irony was over welling because this being, this monster was not of peace. He was full of hated and evil even Satan himself wouldn't except this man this thing that was now dragging her into his own little hell he had created for the purpose of breaking her making her submit to his will out of fear for her life knowing it would never be spared. Before he shattered her and ripped her heart out right before her eyes. She knew what awaited her when this was all over she would be walking through the flames of hell for letting other suffer.