Inside, I'm A Wolf

Story by Pawsclawz189 on SoFurry

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**Secrets are always hard to keep.

but that isn't the case with me.

everyday I struggle with my life. school, family, work.

it's all just too much for me to handle.

though, at nights is when I get my peace.

I'm a werewolf. and I change every night at the moon.

I absolutely love this. and tonight, is when I change for the seventh time.

once everyone in my family was asleep, I went into my room and closed the door, locking it.

the full moon was up. time to change.

I remembered stripping off my clothes. gently folding them and laying them on my bed,

as I felt the prickly like sensation start to crawl on my body.

it made me shiver, of course. it felt like a whole stack of skinny needles were poking me.

but I didn't complain.

I gently laid on the floor, and watched myself change.

I remember first was the grey like fur starting to grow throughout.

it felt so good. so relaxing. so..different.

I raised up my hands as I watched them change into paws.

my fingers paw pads forming out my palms.

my fingernails cracking and growing out into razor sharp claws.

once they were formed, I rubbed my paws over my furry chest,

moaning in delight. the bones in my legs cracked.

of course, this hurt. but just for a second. they formed into

long hindlegs, as I felt my toes shape into footpaws.

my toenails cracked and grew out into claws as well,

as I felt black paw pads fluffing out from the soles.

once done, I stood up on all fours as I was almost done.

I arched my body and waved my butt in the air, as my spine tingled.

a long fluffy tail then grew out from my tail bone, as I wagged it in pure joy.

my ears stretched and moved it's way to the top of my head, becoming long and pointy.

fur grew on my face as I closed my eyes, my nose and mouth cracking and stretching out into a long snout.

my teeth became fangs, and suddenly, I could remember that moment.

my senses.

sight..smell, all became so..much

I couldn't take it anymore.

I bounded on all fours, and jumped out my window, landing on the grass.

I shot straight down to the backyard where the forest was, only stopping to lift up my head,

and give out a long beautiful howl to the sky.

All hail the full moon. **** All hail to the werewolf life.**

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