Those who Dream of a Silent Desert - Teaser

All the more puzzling was the fact that he received an offer from one who would be his jahara but moments after his already unusual ceremony of ascension. what joy it was to see his surprise, as clear and as powerful as all of our own!

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Izzy Character Profile

Izzy has a little squirrel plushie that his mother gave him when he was a little squirrelly, named 'puzzle'. it's probably his most prized possession and he can usually be seen cuddling it and playing with it; it's his only real friend.

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The Renewal of Babies chap 2

It needs some's like one of my favorite puzzles! w-wait snow...these aren't interesting at all! stop acting like a drooling dummy and get with the program!" the regressed baby snapped to herself.

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Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Destiny's Way: Chapter 8: Triumphant Returns

"she loved puzzles and codes..." fern felt another tear roll down her cheek as the realization struck her- she would never see her mother again. soon, she was full on sobbing. the team tried to comfort her, but couldn't.

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A fur af Freddy's: Christmas nightmare (part 3)

Mangle was more destroyed, she was inactive and was the hardest puzzle in the world. "freddy!" i shouted as i ran to the living room, the next thing i know is that i was airborne. i took freddy off his feet and pined him to the floor.

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"The Thin Line," Part BB

I unpacked my kit bags, an exercise that was like one of those sliding-block puzzles where you try to get the one empty space from one corner to another.

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Venturing: Burned Panned

Ozkun responded poking his claw at my chest as he went onto explaining, "since zero and three are shared between the two puzzles. our only problem is the two nines. the store's barcodes only ranges from zero to four.

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Astral High - Chapter 23

You finish the puzzle." ted started laughing as soon as he heard this. at first it seemed like a normal life at power, but it slowly grew clearly uncontrollable. and maniacal. and... somehow adorable.

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The Journies of Martha, Contest with Candice

This gym was one big puzzle. she had to think through it. there were steps down the middle except it was covered by snow boulders. how could she get rid of them? she had no fire type pokémon, no other way around; there had to be some way...

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The Crocodile's Scales

His jaws are sharply defined, huge muscles fueled his snapping jaws and puzzle like teeth. his arms, though scaled, are human like and round with bulging strength, and end in a human like hand with webbing and scales.

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Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 69

They fit together inside dad's embrace like a pair of puzzle pieces. "dad..." his voice was small and muffled. "dad..." "timothy, thank the gods you're all right!" luke stared at them, feeling numb right down to his soul.

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The Simple Life, Chapter 1 : Fenris in The Mornings

I crawled into our queen sized bed, taking up my usual spot in front of him, my petite frame loosely curled into a fetal form, and he lay his arm in the curve of my tiny waist, where it fit like a puzzle piece.

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