Lessons In Happiness - Part 6

I started back towards sugar cube corner, my head still panicking a little but hoping it would all turn out ok. it would be fine, nothing bad would happen. i mean, what are the odds that it would happen during the party?

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Cursed, Eternal Wish (By MouseJ)

Just a little more silly, and a little more meaningless than he had remembered. he had long since dismissed with the idea of whether it was his age that made it meaningless or the slow realization of nihilism over time.

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Mocha's Cutiemark - Story

"hey everyone," zach called out to ponyville in general, "my little bro's got his cutiemark!"

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Born For Loyalty Chapter 1

Great, he was a little girl. he got up and started walking around on the bed trying to get use to this body. he was going to have it till he found a way home. he couldn't even tell these creatures the truth either.

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MLP FiM Family Reunion

It was a cold night all around Equestria everypony was either going to sleep to be fresh for the next day or just now beginning their nightly shift at their respecting jobs. At Canterlot castle, the guards have just changed shifts, some guards where...

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[Commission] Subterfuge, usurpation and vigilante justice

And i was just about now headed for my special, little home-away-from-home to the far north. but, ya see, you and yer little...bugs...you kinda ruined my trip homewards. now i aintent got a balloon.

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A Tale of Lost Souls: Part Three

The young colt blushes deeply as he gently towels himself off with the torn curtain that 'grabbed' him not even a few minutes ago. He squirms slightly, mentally cursing himself out. "I can't believe you got scared over s stupid stuffed bear! And a...

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Band Changelings Part 1

One day, Queen Chrysalis was wondering how to get back into the Crystal Empire. She had been flung out of the place, and almost bled to death. She got better. Suddenly, with a loud BANG!, Doomie came rushing in with his usual asinine blurt. Except this...

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07 - Between Heaven and Equestria

"our hearts are trapped in the moon," the princess spoke with a sad little smile. "hidden in darkness away from the world ... cast in shadows where no light can see. thy wounds are different, but thy pain is no less.

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06 - Observations

There was a rowdy little goodbye party at a local tavern and then the two groups spoke harsh goodbyes before splitting at the fork in the road.

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Breaking the Barrier: Chapter 4

"we have had little success. so little in fact, that during the last council meeting the budget for this facility was cut considerably.

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I was on the front porch making sure that we have all our nesseccities for the trip. Howl was packing some extra things for the trip in the kitchen. "You got everything Howl!?" I asked "Almost" he replied. Then a wild idea appears. "Hey Howl, what...

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