Banana Pancakes (Summer Adventure 2014)

About the incident. and how it wasn't his fault. "sweetie..." she said, her hand reaching towards his. he frowned and watched the hand grab his. it felt damp. he looked at her again and just shook his head. "i'm fine mom."

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Part 1-Pain and loss.

This was the first time he had actually looked at himself since the incident. all he had managed to get on was his tattered hunting shorts. other than that his charcoale black fur was exposed to the elements.

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A Forlorn Love Part 1

After that little incident i left school for the day rushing home as fast as i could. it was about 5 pm when i started to get ready for my date.

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The Redeem: Chapter 6

"i tried to forget that incident. it happened right in front of me...remember how i didn't speak for a while?" he looked down and i saw sadness in his eyes and i knew he was reliving it too.

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Windchaser - Dawn of a New Day

She was a good friend of cosmo for a few years before the incident. they were an inseparable pair during their early teen years.

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Hunter's Game-Chapter Two

Those who had been involved in the incident were one of three things. first off, aout a third were terrified that they would be attacked as a security guard on duty had been.

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Defenses Down

Recent incidents have my defenses shattered to the point, i'm not sure if i will ever be able to rebuild them. i have begun to open very deep and very old wounds. it's like slicing right to the bone, because that's how i feel.


MF-Ep15-Tracking the mastermind-

Axel this time had laid out a board with everything they have collected so far from the past incidents and were able to figure this out.

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13 Ash

You didn't become violent, thankfully, but you hurled insults and brought up seemingly inconsequential things as if those trivial incidents were actually important or somehow justified your grotesque overreaction.

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P.S. I Love You

Trace of anything human or human-made i sit on the porch looking out over the bay i remember my own old, frequent trips, figuring out about new places and things i remember the few storms i was caught in, the toll it took on me and my incident

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Writting Commissions Open

By commissioning me an adult or nsfw story, you agree that you're 18 years old, and i won't be responsible for any incidence or trouble that you may have from lyiong about your age!

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Night thoughts - 9. - because why not

. - because why not dependent on a demon of sorts, scary thought wait for a chance as past incidents, & my mentality continue their seemingly endless dance derived from fear & hesitation each step is heavily taken, though both move without frustration

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