A Forlorn Love Part 1

Story by Alex Foxxy on SoFurry

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#1 of A Forlorn Love

This is the first part of my first story on SoFurry. I hope you all enjoy it. Any and all feedback will be appreciated :)

It was late at night when the gunshots were heard coming from a dark alleyway on the east side of town. Three shots fired in quick succession straight into the chest of some poor unlucky fool. Looking at his shooter now with blood running out of his mouth, adding to the pool that he was now lying in, he gurgled a few words.

"The girl. You promised you would let her go." he said, weakly.

"You're right, Bitch! I did promise you that I would free her once you completed the tasks that I gave you to do. I am a man of my word and so I shall let her go." He said with a twisted, evil smile as he pointed the gun at the girls head and laughed.

"Nooo!" The man shouted and desperately tried to get up as fast as he could.

Still laughing the shooter fired his weapon once more but something had knocked his intended target out of the way. The man that had been shot three times had saved his beloved girlfriend. Even if it meant being shot again and again he would protect the woman that he loved.

"I knew you couldn't be trusted to keep your word! Now I shall drag you into the next life with me!" The man said to the shooter.

"What are you talking about?" The shooter questioned.

He hadn't realized until his own blood started flowed down his body like a river that the man whom he shot had cut his throat after he shoved his girlfriend out of harm's way.

"What? But how? When did you cut me?" The shooter questioned, barely able to speak.

"As soon as I knew that she was out of the way. I turned around as fast as I could and slit your throat with my knife. Now die, you piece of shit!" The man said to the shooter with a low, dark sounding voice. Glaring at him with the coldest, steely eyes he could possibly give to his assailant.

"No! It wasn't supposed to end like this!" The shooter said in a voice so weak and quiet that he was barely audible.

"Oh, but it did! Didn't it, Bitch?" The man replied with in the same tone of voice still giving the shooter that stare.

The shooter tried to shoot one more time at the man but he had lost too much blood. He passed out and died. Having seen the shooter die in front of him, the man walked over to the girl. His pace slowed by the lack of blood. He was fading fast but he still had one more task to complete. He couldn't leave this world without telling the girl how much she meant to him.

After untying his girlfriend's arms and legs she removed her gag and began to speak.

"Oh my god, I was so scared. Are you....." She was cut off by the man. He stuck a finger to her lips. He fell hard against the brick wall next to her with his back, causing him to cough up a mouthful of blood and spit out. He slid down the wall and sat next to her.

"Sweetie, listen. I haven't much time left myself so I have to make this as quickly as possible! I love you! I would do anything if it meant that you were safe! Even if it means going to Hell to rescue you from danger, I'll go there! You are everything to me and I love you so much. However, I am not going to make it back from this incident!" He said to hear with a now much weaker, and loving voice.

"Don't say that! You're going to be fine!" She starts to sob.

"No, I'm not. I only have a few minutes left at best. I want you promise me one thing before I die." His breathing becoming more and more labored with each passing second.

"What is it? I'll do whatever you ask me to do"

"Baby, I know that my passing will cause you a lot of heartache, but there is something that I want you to do." He pauses for a few seconds to catch what little breathe he has left. "That thing is for you to move on. Move on and find another man that you can spend the rest of your life with happily. Will you promise me that?"

"Yes. Yes! I promise that I will do that for you but I will never forget about you! You will always be my one true love no matter who I find in my life!"

"I'm glad. I love you and never...forget....your promise." The man told her with his last breath.

"I will never forget! About you or my promise! I love you, too. Goodbye, my love!" The girls starts crying heavily at the loss of the love of her life. Knowing that there is now a void in her life that can never be filled by anyone. A cut that is so bad and so deep that no medicine or medical procedures can heal it.

This is the story of a love that was never meant to be!

Hi. My name is Jessy and I'm about to tell you a story of true love. It all started about three weeks ago when my first semester at college was about to end. I met a young girl, named Brittany, around the start of the summer semester. She was gorgeous! Long, golden hair that reached her shoulders and the prettiest set of dark brown eyes you've ever seen. She was of average height and had a slender yet curvy body. I was madly in love with her, and she knew it. It was as if this beautiful golden retriever could sense it. I think we had some sort of connection right from the start. For a while, I was too nervous to say much more than "Hi" to her, but I eventually worked up enough courage to ask her out. I was really surprised that I had done something that brave and even more shocked when she said "Yes"! She said yes. She actually said yes! To ME of all people! Man did it make the Jocks mad when they found out that Brittany had said yes to person like me. Here I am, a six feet tall Golden Panther with medium muscle build, getting to go out with quite possibly the hottest girl in the school instead of the 300+ pound, muscle bound giants. You could see the steam coming from their ears. I just smiled at them and went on about my day like it was no big deal, barely able to contain my excitement. I could hardly wait for 7pm of Friday to get here I was so happy.

After that day the rest of the week seemed to go by incredibly slow. I couldn't focus on anything except the date we had coming up this Friday night. My grades started to slip but I didn't care. For the first time in what seemed like forever, I was happy. Nothing could faze me. Not even when the jocks came after to me to try and beat me up for asking Brittany out. However, since I was more agile than they were, the jocks could never catch me. I'd climb to places where they couldn't reach or fit in. Even if they had caught me, I wouldn't have cared since I was trained from an early age in hand-to-hand combat. Pretty good at it, too. Out of all the students that was in the self-defense class that my parents signed me up for, I was the best in almost every form of combat. My specialty was knife fighting and absolutely nobody, not even the teacher, was able to defeat me. I was just too fast for them to keep up with my movements. It didn't take long for the jocks to give up they're chase and go back to lifting weights in the gymnasium. Like they need any more muscles.

Finally, Friday night came after what seemed like an eternity. I spent most of the day in a panic, not knowing what to do on a first date can really make a guy a nervous wreck. The whole day I was sweaty and at times short of breathe. My teachers kept trying to get me to go see the nurse but I knew I wasn't sick. Well, I might have had a case of love sickness, but other than that it was just my nerves. Brittany was in a few of my classes and she noticed how I was acting. She shot me playful smiles and made a low chuckling noise. My face flushed with embarrassment every time she did that to me. At the end of the last class that we had together, which happened to be the last class of the day as well, she started to approach me slowly. I was starting to get even more nervous. In fact, I was almost scared at that point. She reached out and touched my shoulder. The she brought her muzzle close to my face and said in a low, caring tone to me.

"Relax, Cutie. Don't worry about tonight it's going to be a fun night. I promise." She said with the sweetest looking smile I had ever seen on her face.

"Ok, Brittany. I'll try my best to relax." I replied in a shaky voice.

"Good. How about meeting me at the mall and we'll see were we go from there?" She removed her hand from my shoulder as she asked the question.

"That sounds like fun. What time would you like to meet there?"

"How about 7 pm?"

"Sounds good. I'll meet you there."

She leaned in close to me and gave me a kiss on my forehead.

"It's a date then. I'll see you tonight, Cutie,"

She walked away from me and went to get ready for our date night. I was too nervous to stand up while other students was still in the class. Since I preferred to wear loose fitting clothes like sweat pants, it was pretty hard to conceal the fact that I was very excited by the events of the last few minutes. I waited until everyone else had left class before standing up. I'm glad I did because when I stood up, my erection knocked the books that was on my desk onto the floor. Even when nobody else is around that's embarrassing to have happen to a person. When the books hit the floor is when I heard the giggling coming from the hallway outside of the classroom. Brittany had seen the whole thing. My face burned with embarrassment. She blew me a kiss and said "Remember, 7 pm tonight. Ok, Jessy?" I was so embarrassed that I could only nod my head in response while trying to hide my shame with books. After that little incident I left school for the day rushing home as fast as I could.

It was about 5 pm when I started to get ready for my date. I started with a nice hot shower and allowed some extra time for "Stress Relief" so that I might not embarrass myself anymore that night. Still a bit nervous, I put on the red silk shirt and black dress pants I picked out on. Then I splashed on some cologne and tried to comb my hair to give it some style. However, since being a panther I had short hair, combing it was a fruitless endeavor. So I just put a little bit of gel in it to give it kind of a messy look that ladies seem to really like. With a sparkle in my amber colored eyes and a huge smile in my face, I left for the mall to meet Brittany. Hoping that I was not about to blow my shot at a future life with the girl of my dreams. It was sure to be an Interesting night.