Salvager Skunk
_ vincent thought, feeling the gas starting to build up. hephaestus was waiting for this moment of course, the mixture being something he named 'skunk mix'.
life with a dragon chapter three
I floor the clutch and stomp the gas. berrwain jumps at the sound and then stares in awe as he sees the car for the first time. i floor the gas and pop the clutch, burning the tires as i pull away.
The Return of the Unlucky Gun
I also made my own version of your gas, something with a little extra kick to make my victims stay in place even after the gas had dissipated.
Fennix race sheet part 1 (defense and survival)
In its throat the fennix has some kind of ignition organ, which releases some gas, heating it up until it catches fire.
Different Sizes, Chapter One
The gas station was one of those newer brands that'd started popping up in and around the city, a model mix of electric charging stations at traditional gas ready for whatever one needed.
Pandemic-Day 37 6:52 AM 1/1/2023-Chapter 7-New Year's Day
I had stopped to gas up from a kenworth at a gas station and found a truck that had been ripped up by .50 caliber rounds.
Dr. Glowdance's Personal Research Notes
We attempted to gas him again, but he moved the air itself creating a pocket bubble around him, with the gas unable to reach him.
"beep...beep...beep small leak of nuclear gas...vacate the premises immediately...beep...beep...beep" the alarm goes off and we got out of there as fast as possible.
Something Versus Nothing
Darting and dancing between asteroids, gas clouds, other hollowed out husks of worlds, anything to slow down the nothing, but the nothing was far too vast to be tricked and outmaneuvered.
life with a dragon
I yell through the passenger window as i tap the gas to get the point across that time is of the essence right now. 5 seconds later berrwain is shutting the passenger door.
Ferret Chronicles- Then we met.
"i just don't have the gas" said maria, my cow roommate indifferently. her guy friend who she "wasn't" dating had just graduated as a super super senior.
losing hope ch.6
Station fill up alex's 40 gallon gas can then head out (again) with our pursuer behind us every step of the way gaining on his more and more...