Chapter Four: Circles Part Two
I watched Sukura walk away and then headed to my class. I shrunk into my hoodie and tried to become invisible inside its cover. The white halls were filled with foot traffic and many people saw me and seemed to either stare with wonder or shrink away...
Amber Silverblood: Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter twenty four i sat there, frozen, for ten seconds before getting the courage to turn around and look at who had spoken to me. when i did, i tried to sight with relief and suck in a startled gasp at the same time.
Chapter Four, Memories Fond and Fearful
**Chapter 4: Memories Fond and Fearful** **(Aimee)** Aimee entered her old bedroom. It looked exactly as it did all those many moons ago. The desk at the foot of her bed was tidy, not a spot of dust on it. The bedsheets were made neatly and wrinkle...
Galactic Conflict - Chapter Twenty-Four
"Where has he been?" Nishant stared at the ground while he walked. Next to him, walking at the same pace was a familiar pine marten. "Euno's location is not shared, you know that Nishant," replied Tang. She glanced over at the mutated springhare, and...
Friendly's New Friend - Chapter Four
Friendly and Timothy continued watching the trains as they went all around the attic. Timothy walked around and followed one of the slow moving freight trains. He grinned and let out a little giggle as the red, silver and white Pendolino overtook it...
Chapter Twenty Four - What's That In The Sky?
--end chapter twenty four.--
Cosmic Stars - Chapter Twenty-Four
One hundred meters ahead, the serpents thrashed against the ships and vehicles. Several flew through the air, one aimed directly at the little fox and older ermine. The fox watched the vehicle come at him, uncharacteristically frozen, distracted by his...
Four Days Remain Until The End
He fell to all fours, his eyes awash in tears and his soul feeling like it was torn in two. the husky wept as he had never had before.
Halcyon Part 5-Chapter Four
#5 of halcyon chapter four! ^w^ i have to go write and then type chapter five. or at least the second half of it.
Vector's Memoirs; The Chaotix That Was (Part Four)
I counted five stills i managed to take in four seconds, trying to offest the poor quality of an outdated and cheap piece of technology.
Death In The Time Bay: Part Four
Death in the time bay: part four _ he awoke amid more pain, but it was less severe than the agony that had wracked his body before he had lost consciousness.
the wet fox part four ending
Dean awoke to see emma in the corner with the baby's they where fast asleep in her arms, dean came over and kissed all four.