Coffee Shop 1
Being the inexperienced flirt and shy wolf that i am i could only respond sarcastically with, "lucky you." i don't even know if she likes me like that.
Forever & Always
Daniel clearly knew that this guy was trying to flirt with him, but something in daniel said it was wrong. something made him feel like he was cheating on tanner. "listen, you're cute and all, but please don't flirt with me. you see.............
The Eve of Wintersday
She flirted _back._ "i didn't think you were c-capable of t-turning off your charm," she said, her voice still stuttering, but there was just the slightest hint of a change in her tone as she spoke, one that amon knew was a teasing attitude.
Courtship 14: A Night To Remember, Finale
Part 14: A Night to Remember: Finale I could smell Teri's scent as he pressed himself against me. His paws were wrapped against mine, as he smiled up at me. The band's music filled my ears. The rapid beat of the drums matched my pulse. I was feeling...
Terrenea: Descension War - Prologue
Recess and lunch hour consisted of playing on the jungle gym when younger, or flirting with the opposite sex during the later years. for me and gunner, even lunch was a challenge.
The Meeting
"why don't you two get together sometime and then flirt.... i am trying to teach something friends, but i cannot when there is a distraction in the class."
Clown Mare 6
He was trying to flirt with me. also from the straight faction a mare slapped me there as well. couldn't tell which i liked." you then locked up the cages again with the key and shut both of your eyes. took that deep breath and let it all out.
The Other Place
It was the same feeling i'd get, when dan would be out late on the weekend, i'd get this odd sense in my stomach, that as i was sitting at home, he was with flirting, kissing, and fucking another guy.
Making Tracks (edited version)
I entered fur the 'more's flash fiction contest again, and was flirting with the rules a bit by submitting this since it's slightly over the 1,000-word limit - thankfully within forgiveness!
Over the hedge 2 / The Nut Job 2 fanfiction crossover part 2
Greyson then got the flirt on with stella... greyson: well hey there good looking, i'm greyson, the park hero and i... stella: let me stop you there, i'm taken, and you're annoying, it ain't goin' happen, got it? greyson: you remind me of jamie...
Bull at the party
It was in the hand of the very otter that he flirted with only a few moments ago. the bull got excited. "alright! he'll be able to see me perfectly in his drink!" marko landed in the drink with a loud splash, which was unheard by the otter.
The First Hard Steps
It was like they would try and ask who he liked, or try flirting with him in order for some response to build some gossip on ( for instance, last time he played their little game, he heard later that they said he was a pervert and tried to grab for them at