The First Hard Steps
It's a clean story, a bit short, I know. But, it's about a bunny beginning to come to terms with himself.
"What a day.." Daniel said to himself, brushing one of his long ears from his face. The bunny sat himself down in the computer chair, clicking the button on that began to boot up the system. As the bunny sat there, gazing at the run up scripts to the computer, he began to think. 'Is there something wrong with me? With society? What?' A common question asked among teens of today that just don't understand and thus believe the world doesn't understand.
Daniel, you see, was not like the 'normal' kids in high school. The bunny had a well kept secret. He had something to hide from the others, something that, what society dictated, he should be ashamed of. This bunny liked males in the sense that straight males furs liked females. Or at least it was well kept, until this afternoon.
As the computer monitor went from the black to the "Welcome' blue, the bunny looked to himself. He was plain, he wasn't extraordinary by his own standards. Five foot seven or so, not including his ears that draped down his back, and was built rather heartily for a rabbit. From being in sports aplenty and his own drive to be at a healthy weight, he was a strong, muscled individual as well at a weight of 184 pounds. His simple white t-shirt covered up his torso, save for his blue furred arms. It was a soft blue, like that of a clear blue sky, and others had said before that it made him look handsome. That, and there were his eyes. They were this blue that would make you melt, again what others had said about him. But, at this moment, he couldn't believe a word, not after the day he had at school.
Looking back on it, Daniel wished he had never said anything at all. School was fine for the bunny, being that it was not really a hassle nor a push over. No, it was the right level of toughness for the bunny. But it wasn't the education aspect that frightened him. No, it was the social cliques. The jocks, the plastics, the crazies, the stoners.. Each with their own separate group, and each not for him. All of them would have some aspect that would entirely turn them off from them. The jocks, for instance, all had the intellectual capabilities of a brick, yet everyone seemed to affiliate himself with that group. The artsy types, though a bit more of a fit, usually kept him separate due to the fact that they didn't trust those in sports. It was always so confusing and troublesome.
But it was lunchtime that brought about this emotion change. He was eating alone, again, since his friend David had come down with the flu, when some of the plastics came over, no doubt to poke fun at him. It was like they would try and ask who he liked, or try flirting with him in order for some response to build some gossip on ( For instance, last time he played their little game, he heard later that they said he was a pervert and tried to grab for them at the back of the football stadium. Thus, he didn't try and press them on). They were trying to do the same thing again, when one said 'Hey, maybe he doesn't like girls?'. That made them all, surprisingly, shut their yaps for a moment. It was Sarah, one of the cheerleaders from school, that had brought it up, and her to test it. She had slid over beside the bunny, and brought one of her paws to set itself on his thigh. The bunny jumped up from the table, spilling his things out on the ground. Again, the same response, girls laughing, phones whipped out to start the rumor mill a-turning, as the bunny blushed and gathered his things.
Next class, some of the guys were already giving him dirty looks, some cruel laughter, and girls giving small smiles of encouragement or compassion or, worse, sympathy. Some meant well, more so than other, but it all stung just the same. Having to accept a secret that he had kept to himself for so long, bottled inside. Daniel didn't speak to anyone that entire afternoon, staring at his pages of mathematics until the bell rang. The bunny skipped the bus, choosing to take the route home that would, hopefully, skirt around the brunt of the looks, the words, and the silence.
The desktop pulled up, and the bunny was brought back out of his reverie. Typing in his username and password, he accessed his email. Many were from well wishers, which the bunny saved until later, as others were from scorners, which he promptly deleted. But, there was one that intrigued him. It was one that was marked 'Can You Keep A Secret?' by wolfman512. Daniel was unfamiliar with the screen name, but, since his email had good filter capabilities, he knew it wasn't just spam mail. So, he double clicked the link and pulled up the page. The bunny felt his breath catch. The message said:
I heard from around that you, perhaps, are interested in the other side of the tracks then society would permit. If so, you are not alone. If you need any consolation or help, feel free to call this number: ###-####. You'd be surprised by how many there are.
Until tomorrow,
A Lone Wolf
Daniel stared at the message, not knowing whether this was just a trick or something made up by one of the upperclassman or the all too hurtful girls of his school. He was about to delete it, sending it to the oblivion of the spam folder, when he thought otherwise. Taking a corner of his math sheet, he tore of a small piece and wrote down the number the email specified. He didn't want to get his hopes up, but there is always that chance. The bunny was too tired from the stressful day to do much else, so he logged out and headed to his bedroom.
Depending upon the feedback it might continue