Bull at the party

Story by realreedman on SoFurry

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I wrote this on my last stream, with little to no idea or plan. 1044 words. I liked how it came out.

The bass was thumping throughout the house, and the body of the bull. His muscles rippled along with the music. His immense size made him a head taller than everyone else at the party. Everyone was checking out the bull, males and females. It was a sight Marko was used to. He grabbed another beer from the cooler and proceeded to drink it. He was hoping to find someone to spend the night with, so he was out on the hunt. He was scanning the crowd for the perfect person to convey his needs too.

His eyes soon feel upon an otter, a male with a very attractive butt. Perfectly round, bubbly, and jiggly. It seemed to move with the beat of every song that played. Marko drew in a quick breath and walked over. He groped the soft underside, which quickly got the otter's attention. He turned to the bull, and giggled at the site of the wall of muscle that stared down at him. Marko seemed to like the size difference.

"Hey there lil' guy. You may be waist high, but I'm takin' you to the moon tonight!"

The otter almost fell into the chair behind him in shock. Marko pulled him closer with his hand on the otter's head. His beefy fingers covering the back of the otter's head with no effort. Marko seemed to have an attraction for this size difference. He knew was having his way with this otter, one way or another tonight. Before Marko could open his mouth again, he smelled something. A very quick sniff revealed it was his breath. He figured it must've been all the beer he was drinking. He stroked the otter's head, and gently pushed him into a chair. He gently kissed him on the head.

"I'll be back good-lookin, I gotta freshen up a bit."

The otter nodded like crazy as Marko walked away. Marko entered the bathroom, and immediately began searching for something to make the smell of beer go away. He searched and searched until he saw a small green bottle. It had a spritzer on top, and a sniff revealed a cinnamon taste.

"Well, it's better than nothing."

Marko did a couple sprays, letting the cinnamon taste fill his mouth. It gave him a weird tingling feeling, which was quickly shrugged off. The bull re-entered the main room, when he saw pink dots swirl before his eyes. He would've thought it part of the light show, but he didn't think of that when people were getting progressively bigger. When his shirt became a few sizes too big, he quickly figured out he was shrinking. He was going from being a head taller than everyone, to same size, then shorter and shorter he got. His overhead view was replaced by a sea of legs.

"Damn, something I had must've been laced. Better get somewhere safe."

Unbeknownst to the party goers that a bull was shrinking right next to them, they partied on. Marko kept dodging the growing crowds of feet that literally grew around him. After he fell out of his gigantic clothes, he landed next to a wall of cloth and a giant brown leg. Marko looked up to see a great sight: the otter. He was still waiting on the bull ot return.

"Maybe if I make up to the table, he an spot me and help me somehow."

Marko grabbed onto the table cloth and put his muscles to work, climbing up to the tabletop and get help. He strained to climb this table. Luckily it was a coffee table, so it was a small effort. The strain however, was felt. His arms started to ache from carrying all of his weight.

After what seemed like a long time, Marko pulled himself up onto the table. He fell onto something, and it quickly gave under his weight, cracking multiple times. A quick survey of the area revealed to be that he was on the snack table, and he fell onto the plate of chips. He also noticed that falling onto the chips got their grease on him.

"Great, things can't get much worse."

It was then Marko looked up, and his view was filled with hands reaching for chips. He tried to run off the plate, but his grease covered body made it hard to move. So, he did his best to avoid being picked up. A scream erupted when a dark hand wrapped around the small bull, bringing him up with some chips. When Marko pushed against the hand, the grease saved his life. He slid between to soft fingers that trapped him. As he fell through the air, he heard a sickening crunch, reminding him what could've happened.

Marko looked down to see where he was falling. He saw a red drink below. It was in the hand of the very otter that he flirted with only a few moments ago. The bull got excited.

"Alright! He'll be able to see me perfectly in his drink!"

Marko landed in the drink with a loud splash, which was unheard by the otter. The otter was still looking for the bull to return. MArko swam to the top and began to wave and shout. He prayed the otter noticed him.

"Hey! Down here! In your drink! I need your help!"

The pleas of the shrunken bull fell on deaf ears as the glass was rising through the air. Marko struggled to stay afloat as he saw the dark opening of the otter's mouth grow closer and closer. He frantically tried to swim away, hoping he could survive in the glass. Unluckily, the otter was a fast drinker, and the bull was washed away into the depths of the otter. Marko felt absolute fear as he was freefalling to the otter's stomach. He landed in the already rising juices. He swam to the side, and started banging on the stomach lining, hoping someone, anyone, would notice before it was too late.

The otter sighed with discontent as the bull never came back. He was also upset because his punch tasted weird. Like something extra was added. Signs of something in his stomach putting up a fight arised. He thought nothing of it as he burped.