A couple's day

Sam the dog woke up, surrounded by walls of soft, black fur. They topped off around fifty feet, as he knew from climbing them a multitude of times before. He chuckled at his own memories as he walked to a nearby cave that resembled a giant wolf ear....

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Life of Shrunken Survival - Entry 2

\*\*One week later\*\* As I woke up, I almost thought I was still in bed. I gazed at a cardboard ceiling, and felt a leather cloth as clothes. I look around, remembering where I was. I had to admit, my shoebox matched my room, scale-wise. I remember...

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Life of Shrunken Survival - Entry 1

I never thought it would happen to me. I always see it happen to others on television, in the news. I remember laughing, saying "I would never make those mistakes. I would be smarter than them." Well, that's what I said, before it happened to me too....

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Bull at the party

The bass was thumping throughout the house, and the body of the bull. His muscles rippled along with the music. His immense size made him a head taller than everyone else at the party. Everyone was checking out the bull, males and females. It was a...

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Strange flavor

The door's bell dinged loudly to announce the presence of a new customer. In enters Micah, your everyday doberman come to visit Reed, a size challenged hyena and his best friend. He said he needed an extra hand today with a 'special' cake. Reed was a...

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First Timer

The taxi putted along the road. A short, fluffy, hyena, was enjoying the ride. The driver, an old saurian, was chatting up his small passenger about all sorts of things. "So how much trouble you plan on causing?" "Whatever do you mean?" As...

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A fox wants to meet his bunny neighbor

Five hundred channels, and never anything good to watch. Jared did enough food deliveries the last two weeks to cover his bills the rest of the month. The fox really needed to get a hobby. He saw a channel with some show about a micro gray cat that...

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Not all giants have it easy

"Can't wait to have fun with you guys." The black dragon's voice thundered into the ears of his handful of victims as he walked. He held a fox, a bear, and a tiger in his hand. His fingers wrapped around them just tight enough to keep them from...

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Chronicles of Cody: The Excitement

Celestia's mind was in two places that day. Her first focus was on her students. Equestria's most magically gifted were nearing the end of their lesson. The rest of her mind was focused on her private lesson coming up next. She looked to her students....


Chronicles of Cody, The Discovery

Having a windowsill for a sleeping area had one major downside for Cody. Sleeping in was near impossible when the sun was shining on you because your roommate didn't close the curtain...again. He looked over to the massive expanse of Mocha's circular...


Chronicles of Cody: The Beginning

A small creature will have great power He will find love in a dark hour His weakness, his greatest strength To save his kind, shall go any length From royalty, he must be protected He will be saved by those he affected --- It seemed all...


pachyderm goin down

A grandiose wall of elephant muscle, Stanley knew he was the best at the gym. Arguably the strongest guy in town. Though he omits the macros, as he thinks they are too large to consider. He was finishing his shower after yet another intense workout....
