Spellcasters Vs Dragons
And i activate the field spell mountain and end my turn." jon's dark magician returned to his side of the field. darkness dragon attack and defense points rose (atk/3200 def/2200). and meteor dragon (atk/2000 def/2200) jon drew his card.
Racers vs Seattle Seahawks
Seattle, washington; home of the space needle, the seattle seahawks, and the centurylink field. once they arrive at the seattle-tacoma international airport, they'll take another bus straight to centurylink field.
Homemade, My Sweet
"or wants to," field added, under his breath. which made adelaide grin. she and field were often of a like mind. and that was no surprise, considering that she was telepathic.
Ardring - Chapter 2
Zer knows the fields as well as i do. he'll find em." daemeon said, a little unsure of himself. he watched as the smaller ferret dashed out of sight. "how's everyone else?"
Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale, Chapter 7
Captain hawk looked over to where the bad smelling field was and shuddered. "i am not going back into that field, even if i was chased by a homba." balm shuddered.
Oversized Teenagers
Work to get the field back up to par.
Dying Earth
The older bull looked out to the field past the window. the night had cast its shadow over the field, leaving everything but the stars and the moon to darkness.
Exceed, Part One
Very good.", quant said as he looked at his cards on his hands, "i start off by placing blackland fire dragon down on the field!", suddenly a green dragon appeared virtually on the field. suddenly on both a screen listing (1500/800).
Chapter 27: Determination! Altered Evolution!
Zero began to attack at one of the field. "what the...?" a loud yell can be heard from inside the field. zero unleashed multiple missiles again into the field. numerous explosion and scream of terrors could be heard from inside the field.
Grand Duel Academy: Chapter 6
The opponent's field was empty, and he had a single card in his hand, honest. rose's field was full of cards, as well as his hand. on the field, rose had five spell and trap cards. activated was the spell dark door.
Run for the Cliff
Outside their window, a single, lonely mountain peeking over layer upon layer of fields, barely breaking the horizon.
Some Incandescent Light
It'd gotten a huge bloody nose at the paws of that adelaide and her meddling mouse, field. and ma sparta and her goons. the whole damn lot.