Chapter 27: Determination! Altered Evolution!

Story by rsareal on SoFurry

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#30 of D.M.O.N.

First off I don't own any chars in Digimon series or any name that include in the story, however I do own Albino/Al. I apologize first hand for any spelling or grammar errors since my English is my second. This part of the story contain 100% pure furries since they are still in the game. Any similar behavior or incident with reality is just a pure coincidence. Anything else, please enjoy.

Chapter 27: Determination! Altered Evolution!

Al, ShadowWolf and Angewomon were terrified by GigaSeadramon's ravage form. "What should we do to beat this thing?" Al asked Angewomon.

"There is nothing we could do. The only way to fight it is to fight in mega form as well." Angewomon replied.

"Do you?" ShadowWolf asked in trembled.

"I have and I could. But me alone is suicidal enough." Angewomon replied again. "But at least I could reprogram the arena back the way before. I just need some time."

"Arrghh..." Al, ShadowWolf and Angewomon heard a scream coming from the opponent side. They looked and saw MetalGrowlmon flew directly to them. Al and ShadowWolf quickly catch him before he landed on the ground very hard.

Al and ShadowWolf saw the expression on GreenGuilmonX. His green eyes were flooded with tears either in pain or disappointment. "Zero, why are doing this?" GreenGuilmonX asked in sobs.

Al gave a painful expression as well to him and then looked at GigaSeadramon called Zero with rage then back again to GreenGuilmonX. He looked at Angewomon. "Angewomon, can you heal him?"

"Why did you asked?"

"We need all the help we could get to knock this guy out." Al explained then looked at GreenGuilmonX. "Are you okay, buddy?" GreenGuilmonX is still sobbing but nodded. "Good. I know we are totally stranger here, but I need your help in order to stop that. Will you help us?" GreenGuilmonX is hesitating at a moment. "Listen, no matter what you are thinking. He isn't your friend, his mind has been controlled. And in order to help him is to defeat him." GreenGuilmonX is still hesitating. "Grr... If you don't want to then fine, logged out for all I care, you are just a nuisance."

"Al!" ShadowWolf yelled. Al ignored ShadowWolf and started to attack Zero. "I'm sorry. He did that because he is trying to protect everyone. Please, forgive him." He explained and moved forward to attack Zero.

Al and ShadowWolf started to attack Zero, using their strongest attack. But the attacks didn't scratch the thick metallic layer, in fact it make him angrier and start trashing the field.

Zero swung his tail to Al and ShadowWolf. Because of his agility, ShadowWolf is able to dodge the swing. But Al got the hit pretty hard and flew backwards to where Angewomon and GreenGuilmonX are. "Al!" Angewomon yelled in worried.

"Ow... I'm okay. You better start the reprogram, Angewomon."Al responded with a weak voice.

"But..." Angewomon wanted to stop him but he was interrupted.

"Focus on repairing the arena before anything goes bad!" Al yelled at her stating her mission. Al looked at the fight. Zero keeps on swinging his tail to smash ShadowWolf but ShadowWolf keeps on dodging thanks to his agility. Zero's mouth suddenly starts flashing and unleashed a gigantic beam to ShadowWolf. No matter how good his agility is, ShadowWolf can't dodge the beam perfectly. His tail got burned. The beam didn't stop there; it went straight to the wall breaking the barrier that protects any attacks from inside the field.

The explosion attracts a lot of attention in the arena. Many players were wondering what the cause of the explosion but not to Al and Angewomon. From inside the smokescreen merge a gigantic cyborg serpent ready to go rampage in the arena. To some, it was only a display. But those who close enough to see are more like a nightmare show.

Zero began charging the beam again and shot at the crowd. The other players didn't realize that it was real until they saw others were immobilized as if they were dead. Panic, fear and terror starts to grow and every player are running away from the crazy menacing monster.

Zero somehow shows a satisfaction look as fear and terror feeds his hunger. He unleashed multiple missiles from his head and let it stray to random players. Al, ShadowWolf, GreenGuilmonX and Angewomon saw the disaster and intend to stop him but what could two champions, and two ultimate possibly do?

Zero began to attack at one of the field. "What the...?" a loud yell can be heard from inside the field. Zero unleashed multiple missiles again into the field. Numerous explosion and scream of terrors could be heard from inside the field.

Al wanted to move to see the arena but the pain hold him down. 'Pain, I feel the pain again?' he said in thoughts. In fear for his thoughts, he forced himself to see the outside of the field. It really is a disaster. Many players were slaughtered unable to fight back and any player that is inside the field is an easy target.

Al noticed something after looking at the field then the crowds. Al asked to Angewomon. "Hey, Angewomon, why do players can't use their skills outside of this field?"

"It was in the program that all skills and attacks were locked outside the field." Angewomon answered.

"Could you unlock it so we could fight him freely?"

"I think I can. Just, give me a minute. Hacking program activated." Her arms start glowing and formed a small void. Inside the void lies a prism. Angewomon search the program by dismantling the prism data piece by piece. She found it and starts working on it. After a few seconds, she told Al that it was released.

Al nodded and led on with ShadowWolf. Al tried to distract the rampage Digimon. "Hey Metal Brain, try pick somebody your own ego size!" He unleashed his "Nova Blast!" to attract him but he didn't budge. He tried to use it again but was surprised by a large missile heading toward Al. Al quickly aimed at the missile and explodes. The shock gave a large pulsed which pushed Al back to his rear along with other players. ShadowWolf unleashed his "Howling Blaster!" to Zero and again it has no effect.

Al intends to stand up but the pain in his chest hold him down again. 'He is too strong. Stupid Glitches, why does it have to be mega form? The chance of defeating him is none.' He said in thoughts. Then he heard a shout from some player which snapped his thoughts to see a large serpent tail is heading toward him. Al intend to dodge it but the stop him, thus he got slammed to the floor.

Al was yelled in agonizing pain for being crushed in to the ground. Al looked at Zero and saw that he is readying his beam cannon again and aimed at Al. 'Oh no... He is going to kill me.' Al used his Nova Blast again but nothing is coming out of his maw. 'I'm not strong enough! This is the end!' he closed his eyes waiting for his end to come.

'UsE Us!' Suddenly Al heard an unknown cold voice from somewhere. "Who...?" he asked but the voice grew louder than before and demanding. 'UsE Us iF YoU WaNt tO SuRvIvE!' Al didn't comply at first because his confused but now he won't comply. Suddenly he heard an explosion. Al opened his eyes to see Zero lose his balance and stumble to his side. Al looked for the one who is responsible for it. He saw a MetalGrowlmon hovering with steams coming out from its armor cannon. Al looked closely and it has a green eyes.

GreenGuilmonX landed at Al's side and help him to stand up. Al didn't surprise quite a bit about GreenGuilmonX's help as if he knew that he will help. "Why are risking your life in this situation? You could just run away." He asked in concern.

"I know I should, but I couldn't. This is my job to protect humans from danger." He answered with a lie holding his chest in pain.

GreenGuilmonX was unsure about his answer but he accept it and intend to help. "I'll help in order to save my friend. The Angewomon in your team said that she can't break it because he is the source of glit-something."

"If he is the source of this problem, then we have to stop him no matter what."

"But how can we fight him? He is too strong for all of us." ShadowWolf asked.

"True, but that is when we are alone. Shadow, tell other players that they could use his skills now and while you add it, tell them to stop that menace." Al ordered and ShadowWolf comply. "Angewomon, get ready to reprogram once he's down!" Al ordered through whisper and didn't wait to comply.

ShadowWolf and several players start attacking. Al intended to join the battle but the pain is unbearable. GreenGuilmonX looked so concern about his condition. Al told him that he is fine and help them.

When GreenGuilmonX is out of the hearing range, he grunted in pain and fell to the ground. 'Man, I can't take it anymore. Stupid Glitches, if my avatar is hurt, so am I. I guess this is the end of me.' Al slowly lost his focus and fade into darkness.

'ThErE Is a wAy...' the same cold voice talked to him again through his head.

'You again, I thought it was just my imagination.' Al replied this time. 'Who are you?'

'EvErYtHiNg tHaT YoU FeEl, We fEeL It tOo...' the cold voice reply. 'FoR We lIvE InSiDe yOu. We aRe tHe bEiNg cAlLeD GlItChEs tHaT StUcK InSiDe oF YoU.'

'Glitches inside of me, you mean my avatar? Why do you call me, what do you want from me?'

'We wAnT To lIvE, aNd iN OrDeR To dO ThAt, We wAnT To hElP YoU.'

'How... and why should I trust you?' Al asked in doubt.

'UsE Us tO EvOlVe iNtO DiFfErEnT FoRm. ThAt wAy, YoU CaN WiN AgAiNsT YoUr oPpOnEnT. BeLiEvE Us, YoU DoN'T HaVe a cHoIcE...'


'YoU HaVe dOnE It bEfOrE...' the cold voice slowly disappeared leaving Al into a mystery.

Al slowly opened his eyes to see that Zero is still run amok and ShadowWolf and GreenGuilmonX along with other players are done their best to stop him. 'I have done it before?' he asked in thoughts. 'When did that happened? Unless...' Al remembered the incident where the Glitches are on the loose and the only person that he wants to protect is ShadowWolf... 'Of course, it's my determination to protect someone, especially my friend.'

Al felt a new power surge inside of him. His body started to glow and his injuries were slowly healed. 'That's it. I have found the way to use the Glitches inside me to save my friends at least.' Al clenched his claw like a fist and raised it high. Al heard a small whisper coming from his head again and said it out loud. "Altered Evolution!"

Streams of data began wrapping around Al. Al saw two forms in front of him. The first form resembles a larger Greymon with metallic head armor, red hair, metal wings, a trident-like left arm, and twin missile launchers on his chest. While the second form is similar to the first one except it has no twin missile launcher, larger metal wings and a large revolver holster instead of trident-like arm on its left.

Al was amazed by these new forms. Al chose the one with trident claw at first but he remembered that the enemy strong when in close combat so he choose the one with revolver on its arm. After choosing his new form a flash blind him for a moment and he is back at the arena again. Al looked at his own body and saw that he is the form with a revolver on his left arm. Al looked at the status and the new name for this form, and it's RiseGreymon.

Many players are talking in amazement for they never seen Al's new form. But Al didn't care about it and start moving forward to the battlefield.

ShadowWolf, GreenGuilmonX and the players were doing their best to stop Zero. All of them were out of stamina and Zero is taken damage only a quarter from his max. Zero unleashed another multiple missiles and aimed at random, luckily it missed ShadowWolf and GreenGuilmonX but other players weren't so lucky. When all hope is gone they heard a howl from behind. "Trident Revolver!" three projectiles dashing toward Zero with high speed and got a direct hit at his maw.

ShadowWolf and GreenGuilmonX looked for the source and saw a MetalGreymon hovering forward and landed between them. When they looked closely, it wasn't a MetalGreymon. But when they see white eyes ShadowWolf was the first to ask. "Al, is that you?"

Al looked at ShadowWolf and replied. "Yes, I am. Shall we continue this battle?" Al began to strike first using his "Trident Revolver!" again at Zero. The attack gave little effect because of hard metallic skin. Once again he is using the same skills and this time he aimed it at the head. It draws Zero's attention only to Al.

Zero began to charge up again and aimed directly to Al. Al is also charging up his new skill. Zero unleashed his beam attack from his maw and Al unleashed the beam from his six gun on his wing and two more from his armor and focused on Zero's beam. The beams hit each other causing sparks from the impact and it didn't ended there. The beams were pushing to one another like a tug of war.

Of course when it judge by strength, GigaSeaDramon is the strongest because he is mega form so the impact getting closer to Al. But Al didn't want to lose because his friend is counting on him so it gave him the strength to push back the impact.

The impact took only seconds but it felt like hours. Al is losing his stamina very fast. 'I can't hold on much longer.' "You can do it, MetalGreymon!" 'Who...?' Al heard someone cheering for him. "Keep it up, MetalGreymon!" Another one is cheering for him. Slowly the whole players are cheering for him. They gave Al the will to stop Zero's menace and the impact is slowly moving toward Zero.

Suddenly, Zero's beam was out because of energy loss and the beam got hit straight to his maw. It was a critical hit and Zero was knocked to the ground out cold. The players cheered him for the glorious victory. Al started to lose his conscious again and fall, but ShadowWolf and GreenGuilmonX grabbed him so he could remain stand.

Al looked at the one who is holding him and smiled. "Thank you, guys. I couldn't do it without you."

"No we couldn't done it without your help. Anyway nice form you got there." ShadowWolf replied.

"I couldn't thank you enough, MetalGreymon. You have saved my friend." GreenGuilmonX thanked Al with happy tears.

"I did my best, GreenGuilmon. And my name is Albino, and this form isn't MetalGreymon. It's RiseGreymon." GreenGuilmonX hugged him in joy because he saved his friend. Al was surprise with that reaction but smile. A moment later, the statics disappeared and Al went back to plain old Greymon. "It looks like the problem has been fixed. Go and see if your friend is okay." Al told GreenGuilmonX. He nodded and walk to the fallen GigaSeadramon who turn back into Seadramon.

After they were out of range, Al told ShadowWolf. "I guess it's time we go back." ShadowWolf nodded and the team warped out of the arena.


That's it for this chapter and the conclusion from two chapter before. I really do hope you enjoy the stories so far, because the brainstorm just turned into a tornado inside of my head. I do accept any critics and comments. And most of all thank you for those who participate and help in my story.