A changeling and an artist

Fairy wasp has practically destroyed that chance through his feeding. but he cannot keep this up any longer, the cat was slowly released from the influence while feeding. his scream was silent, comprehending what just happened.

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Renewal of babies chap 3

Instinctively, her small hind feet curved up as if she were in a fetal position, and her soft paws moved onto her mother's breast to, in a way, stimulate more milk to feed her hunger.

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The Dog Hole: Chapter 10 -- First Impression

Someone's got to feed the weirdo... the dog hole chapter 10: first impressions sixty little white ramekins filled with yellow custard sat upon trays on the counter. they just needed one last touch.

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A Blast From the Past Ch. 3

She'd be awake soon enough for another feeding. motherhood came to her so easily...like her life had built up to this trial and her whole body was eager to meet the challenge. "so...have you thought of a name for her yet?"

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Evolution Part I: Chapter Four

I also began to eat more as i adapted to the system of feeding. to start with, i was stuffed before putting a dent in a single bowl. now i getting more than halfway through it.

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Chronicles of Trisha Talon - Book 1 - Chapter 6

"soul gems cast soolmah without feeding on the user. it is instead feeding on the soul within that gem until that soul is consumed into utter nothingness. rohtheer is one of many luups that have no talent in using soolmah from their own bodies.

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 16

Its hard to feed someone while another person is holding onto you ya know..." he told her with a slight blush, not sure why she was suddenly being so affectionate towards him.

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Of its existence, even though every day you're professing its presence world politics, the government and funded greed aren't subjects that the mass should be discussing digesting, progressing, realizing this shit is disgusting just feed

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Objective: Move In!

Jesse said as he seemed to have been forming a habit of eating, causing syrup to reply with an "okay then" with a smile and feed him faster.


Tales of the Stout Bulwark: First Assembly

The room successfully drained, honifield removed the feeding mask and set the bulky feed-o-tron down next to a nearby console as the rest of his engorged crew slowly lumbered in after him or sat immobile in the center of the room.

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"the food lady is on her way here to feed us. would you like to accompany me to the feeding area," toby explained. mouse, hesitating for a moment, opened her mouth to politely decline.

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