request story - starsage

A hail of bits of dirt raining over the black fur tinting it a slight brown causing him to look up in horror as a single yellow specked covered in dirt hushes downwards right at him!

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The Cat's Stroll 15

Below the layer of dirt and grass, there was an arrangement of roots like a net. evidently, this was what held the dirt rug in place, giving the impression that it was solid ground.

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Werefox's Dillema- Chapter 5

After a few seconds i realize that i'm almost trying to work out knots and clumps in the long hairs coming from it as much as i'm trying to get the dirt out of it.

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Silhouette of a Dream Chapter I

The fox vigorously rubbed his arms and legs, wiping away the dirt and grime that accumulated over several months of travel, as well as several shades of tan with it.

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Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 48

One moment he was running for all he was worth, the next he was ploughing through the dirt with a massive weight digging into his back. "stop it!"

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A Blazin's Fight

Gark lay in the dirt, smeared with bloody mud. he had observed how three of his comrades died through this creature and now, it was his turn. _no, i will not die, not in the dirt!_ he thought defiantly before something caught his eye - turk's crossbow!

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A Pokemon's Reward Ch. 1 (Part 1)

The group ran down the dirt trail and into the northern forest towards the nearby mountains. "the trail should least is through..."

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Black Meridian 18: Running on Fumes

Fletcher rolled as another shot slammed into the dirt, spraying dust everywhere. the guard coughed and dry retched into his elbow, but swivelled around in an attempt to keep his aim.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 35

Her hair was matted with sweat and dirt, colorful strands resembling mucky webs than hair, some of the flocks were so stuck together that they revealed spots of bold scale, if not for the obvious youthful figure that no amount of dirt can cover she could easily

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Commander Shepard, Alliance Navy CH. 5: UNC

. **:** **8** **8** **8** **:** commander john shepard kneeled down in the dirt, scanning the object embedded into the soil with his omnitool. behind him, looking bored as hell, was urdnot wrex.

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Inside>Out! Ch1 Fed Up! pt2

As the waves hit the dirt of the field, it caused gauges to appear and kicked up the dirt. floating back to the ground, shinta exhaled deeply. the lookers on gradually began to clap. the applause began to rise higher and higher.

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Andross - A Villain Study

Fight for your dirt kingdom in your dirt hill. while i, with the clenching of one iron boot, crush it for you. just so you can see, for a brief moment, how pathetic and small your existence really is.

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