Draconic Beginnings (02)

Thankfully, that red imar seemed less keen on quster's demise now that mother had forbade it, but that certainly did not squander the dragon's natural tendency towards conflict.

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Virishian History

The end of conflicts, the democratization of society and the growth of population increased the demands of land, resources and wealth.

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musket prologue: chapter one, intro

. in the bible, it says 'thou shalt not kill' yet everyone here and i have joined the infantry and that is exactly what we are expected to do as that is what comes with it. i also remember seeing a man come back from war a shattered man. i feel conflicted

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FoxTail preview #1

The beast clan was not only revered as being amongst the strongest known clan in the world but also the most feared, this allowed them to gain a lot of territory with very little conflict.

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Captured Classified Proposal

Since then, they have been involved in numerous conflicts globally and have an excellent track record with only one defeat recorded at the battle of ?????. their signature main base first appeared in orbit in the year 2043.

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Captured Classified Proposal

Since then, they have been involved in numerous conflicts globally and have an excellent track record with only one defeat recorded at the battle of ?????. their signature main base first appeared in orbit in the year 2043.

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Prouloge: A Quaint Beginning

Inside contain dioramas of various human conflicts, going all the way back to the time of the ancient romans and greeks, to modern day conflicts.

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The Human Species Ch.17 - Forgiveness (Epilogue of Episode III)

The strong will expire as a large conflict between pokémon and humans arises... but which side of the conflict will you end up on when you are neither pokémon nor human...? !

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Matter cannot occupy the same place twice at the same instant, so where these structures conflicted, their atoms broke their bonds, and huge releases of energy took place.

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A brief history of Kyruku

Shortly before the end of the 19th century, tensions have again grown with the secessionist parties, and several violent riots and conflicts break out between the starkly divided facilities of terra.

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Worth: Chapter 3

The actual conflict was pretty tough, i tried to draw on personal experiences of being in crises and acting impulsively in those situations but i don't know how great it turned out. hopefully it's entertaining at the very least!

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From the Dark

How can that be, they are conflicting forces?" "it is said that a strong soul can control the conflicting forces within them and combine them, to what end i do not know.

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