FoxTail preview #1
#1 of Project FoxTail
Part 1 in the 'Project FoxTail' preview. This is the early look into the events that will shape a new world of humans and beasts
FoxTail never really figured out where he belonged, at birth he looked like a normal healthy brown eyed human baby with black hair, he had no fangs or a tail and eventually went to human schools.
His father, Zalphine (Zal-fe-en), was a full blooded wolf beast; his blood drew all the way back to African wolves.
FoxTail's mother, Zii, was a Kitsune, she preferred to stay in her human form but for reasons unknown she couldn't hide her tail, she was born in America and doesn't know where her blood line starts.
FoxTail also has two younger brothers, Marrok (Ma-rock) the second born of the three, took after their father and was a wolf beast.
Tokala (tow-ca-la), the youngest, took after their mother and was a male Kitsune.
Despite all three of the brothers having the same parents, FoxTail was the only one that would be considered a full shifter later in his life, Tokala couldn't hide certain fox features like his tail or ears.
FoxTail's family belong to a group known as The Beast Clan; this clan is filled with various types of foxes and wolves, Zalphine was the clan's leader before his death.
The Beast Clan was not only revered as being amongst the strongest known clan in the world but also the most feared, this allowed them to gain a lot of territory with very little conflict.
There were once fierce wars for land before humans became involved; clans and tribes were not as organized as they are now, at one point in time the conflicts that reigned over the world caused great tension between humans and beasts.
Growing weary of the incessant fighting and fearing that the humans would become another enemy to his people, a wolf beast named Vornax (Vor-nex)
decided to work alongside his counterparts and create a way to make peace with the other clans and tribes.
Vornax, along with other leaders from numerous clans and tribes, came to terms that a system should be placed in order to control any and all differences between them. The system they created was inspired by humans and their governments, a ladder of sorts would be implemented to keep a fair balance within a circle of leaders.
Each clan decided that seven well-trusted creatures in their respected circle would suffice for a fair and balance voting house.
On the very top would be the wise elder, the leader amongst the elders, while two other creatures from three different job classes filled the six remaining spots. It wasn't hard for the leaders to choose how the ranking system would work, they quickly agreed upon hunter, caretaker and warrior as the best choices.
Unfortunately the humans were very concerned that this new agreement between these creatures would lead to their demise, some even believed that humans would be enslaved if they allowed the beasts to create their own government.
In an attempt to avoid another war that could cause further tension, humans and beasts came to an agreement, one that left some beasts distorted towards humans.
Beasts were no longer allowed in the open were humans could see them; this decision was made to allow the humans to forget about the beasts, and overall the wars, causing beasts to become nothing more than fairy tales.
There were exceptions to this ruling; shifters, creatures that are able to change their appearance to look human, were allowed to live amongst them.
This did not sit well with creatures that could not shift their form and the ruling was soon seen as humans being chauvinistic.